Chapter 13: Stuff happens, you know? (Flare)

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3 hours earlier:

Room 1:
Speed: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Lazuli: What are you doing?
Speed: Running laps of course!
Lazuli: Makes sense.
Speed: 67, 68, 69, 70!
Lazuli: That fast?
Speed: What can I say? I'm pretty fast.
Lazuli: Well, I think this room is a bit crowded for running.
Speed: Good idea! I'll run outside!
Speed then decides to rush out the door into the front lawn of the hotel.
Speed: Hmm... What's that?

Room 2:

Drake: Lily, I'm gonna go shower.
Lily: Okay. Don't fall, babe.
Drake: Hey, what you reading?
Lily: Solutions and Other Problems by Allie Brosh(The sequel to Hyperbole and a Half). It's the sequel to a book I read a few days ago.
Drake: Is it good?
Lily: Hilarious. I think a comedian wrote it.
Drake: Maybe I'll join you after this. Be right back.
Drake then hears:
Turbo:^This is a form of rape!^
Drake: Probably Silvia trying to do something to him. He'll be fine.

Room 3:

Flare: Leafy, how are you so good at this?!
Leafy: I'm just a chess pro I guess.
For the 15th time, Leafy has Flare in checkmate in chess.
Flare: Wow, I got to find a tutor.
Flare clears the board and sets it back up.
Flare: Another?
Leafy: *Yawns* I think I'm going to bed soon.
Flare: Okay. I will too.
They both start getting ready, Leafy brushing her teeth and Flare combing his hair, vice versa. Then, they both crawled into bed and said good night.

Room 4:

Carter: Ugh, how am I so bad at this?
Carter was trying to complete another super Mario bros game and he kept on failing.
Shade: Aw, you'll get it. It's fine.
Carter: Hey, maybe Speed knows how to beat this game.
Before Shade could reply, Carter ran out the hotel room towards Speed's room. When he opens it:
Lazuli: He's at the great lawn.
So, Carter goes to the great lawn, but Speed is not there.
Carter: Maybe Turbo might know where Speed is.
Carter walks back into the building through the front door and heads towards Turbo's and Silvia's room. He then proceeds to open the door.
Carter: Hey guys, ha-*covers mouth and shuts door*
The reason why Carter did this was because inside of the room, Turbo and Silvia were... well, doing "fun stuff".
Me: That's how you address this?!
Wierd me: Um, yeah?
Me: *Slaps Wierd Me*
Carter: I just watched live p***... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Actually, it wasn't as bad as I thought. I thought something would happen.
Carter then turns to his right to see Pearl.
Carter: AAAAAAAAAAH! How long were you standing there?!
Pearl: Don't ask. Anyways, have you seen Black, Jill, and Jess? Kai is asleep in the room, but the rest of them are mis-
The 3 they were talking about: Boo!
Pearl and Carter: AAAAAH!
Jill: We got you good. *jumps down from ceiling vent*
Pearl: Not funny guys. I look away for a few minutes and you vanish. Kai would've killed me if I couldn't find you.
Jess: Well, Your still here, right?
Pearl: I guess..
Carter: Well, have any of you guys seen Speed?
The 4 of them: Nope.
Black: Actually yes.
Carter: Oh, great. Where?
Black: I didn't see him, I heard him in the vents. Saying something like "Who the **** are you?"
Carter: And you didn't think to address it?
Black: Meh?
Carter: Leas the way to the room!

Back in room 3:

Flare: No.... mmm... stay back........... AAH!
Flare shoots up from the covers faster than a bulbasaur using vine whip.
Flare: Just a nightmare. Whew.
Flare was about to go to sleep when he hears a noise coming from the storage room nearby.
Flare: Hmmm...
Flare gets out of bed slowly and walks towards the door.
Flare: I'll be right back.
Flare quietly opens and closes the door, heading towards the storage room. He opens the door and:
???: Raaah!
Speed: Flare: Look out!
Flare just manages to dodge a thunderbolt from a mysterious figure.
Flare: Oh no. He found us.
Speed then shoves the thing back and shuts the closet door behind him.
Speed: Broom. Now.
Flare hands him a broom and the lock thw door.
Speed: It won't hold him for long.
Flare: Get the others?
Speed: Yeah.
They go room to room, forgetting about Leafy's room.

At room 6 entrance:

Flare: *Knock knock knock*
Kai: Go away. I'm trying to sleep.
Flare: *Bang bang bang*
Kai: *Gets up from bed and walks towards door* Urgh, what do you want?
Flare: That guy is back.
Kai: ... No.
Kai then proceeds to slam the door in Flare's face
Flare: Ouch.

At room 2 entrance:

Speed: ^Hey guys, we need your help!^
Lily: Just a sec. Drakes in the shower.
Speed: ^Hurry up!^
Lily: Drake, Speed needs help with something.
Drake: *Opens bathroom door* Well, I'm done.
Drake then opens the door to the room, with Speed looking directly at him.
Speed: Both of you. Lets go, bad guy is back.
The 2: Got it!
They all rushed out of the room, both groups headed up until they hear:
Lilligant: ^Oh my arceus! Please don't hurt me!
Both groups then rush down the stairs and into the front lobby. There, the mysterious figure stood in the middle of the room, holding the lilligant in a choke hold. The figure had its mask off, revealing...
Lily: Zeraora?
Drake: It looks different.

All of a sudden, Carter and most of group 6 burst out of the back doors.
Carter: Oh, wow!
Speed: Let her go!
Zeraora: Ha ha ha ha... well, if you say so.
Zeraora then throws lilligant into the air, using metal claw, and impaling her.
Speed: Why would you do that? You...
Speed then starts glowing and when it stops, in front of him is a hisuian Zoroark, but the white fur has a hint of yellow and it's eyes are blue. It has marble like claws, with blue tipped hair.
???: What? Where am I?
Speed: What the-
Zeraora: I don't care how many of you there are. I can easily beat you!
The Zeraora then rushed at Flare with wild charge.
Flare: Guh!
Flare got thrown against a wall, causing him to lose go unconscious.
Speed: Don't hit my brother!
Speed then got right in front of Zeraora and used trailblaze, doing a round house kick directed at his face.
Zeraora: Argh! You through quite a kick!
Speed: It's not over yet.
Speed then moves to the right, revealing Drake using dragon claw.
Zeraora: ...
Drake: I think I- AUGH!
While Drake was talking, Zeraora had charged up a thunder punch and strikes Drake across the chest.
Pearl: Wow!
Speed: Keep him back!
Lily: Behind you
Carter: It could really help to have Turbo here!
Zeraora: Ha ha ha!
Speed: Argh!
???: Hyah!
Both Speed and the Zoroark used shadow ball on Zeraora, making him stagger.
Speed: I got this!
Speed then rushes at Zeraora with wood hammer, thrusting forward making contact with Zerora's hand.
Speed: What?!
Flare slowly begins to regain consciousness, only to see Speed get bashed in the forehead with iron head and thrown through the ceiling of Trubo and Silvia's room, a shriek managed to be heard from it.
Flare: Big bro! NO!
Flare's eyes then turn red and he proceeds rush at Zerora with fire punch, forming it into a clawed hand though.
Flare: Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
At that moment, Leafy bursts through the back door as well, rushing towards the middle of the room.
Leafy: What is going on?!
Zeraora moves to the side and Flare Flys right past, but he hits something else.
Flare: !
Leafy: F-Flare? *Goes unconcious*
Flare kneels, holding leafy in his arms, a hole in her chest area from his "flame claw". Everyone then turns to the middle of the room, gasping and Turbo and Silvia jump down from the whole in the roof.
Flare: It's not what it looks like!
And there was Flare, at the lowest point in his life.

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