Chapter 24

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A/N: Hey, everyone. I'm back! I am sorry for being away for so long. I am re-watching Yu-Gi-Oh!, and it is giving me inspiration to continue this story. I don't know how often I will be able to update, but I'll try to make it consistent even if it's infrequent. I promise it won't take two years to update again. Thank you for returning if you've stuck with me from the beginning, and welcome to the new readers.


Chapter 24

Marik and I returned to the ship. He led me into a dining hall that was empty of people but packed with food. "You must be hungry," he said. "Take whatever you like. I will be back shortly. I have some business to attend to."

"Okay," I said. I hoped I would not run into rare hunters in here. I knew they had orders not to harm me, but they still creeped me out. I scanned the buffet style assortment of food even though I did not feel very hungry. I would have to eat something to keep up my strength. I snatched a sandwich and took a seat at the closest table.

Marik was gone for a long while. I supposed he was enacting his backup plan after the horrible duel that afternoon. I wondered if there was anything I could do to stop him. I seemed pretty useless so far. Marik was counting on me though, so I had to figure out some way I could help him. After I finished my food, I brought out my empath book and began to scan it.

The book entranced my so much that I did not notice Marik's presence until he was right beside me. I gave a little jump when I realized he was there. "Don't mind me," he said with a smirk. "I'd hate to interrupt."

"No, I was just waiting for you." I placed my book in my backpack and then glanced at him. "What's going on?"

"I needed to contact Bakura - or, rather, the Spirit of the Millennium Ring - to advance my plan."

Uneasiness settled in my stomach. "You called him."

"No." Marik held up his Millennium Rod. "I entered his mind when we met. It makes everything more convenient, doesn't it?"

I frowned. "I bet he didn't like that." Even if it was convenient. "What do you need from him now?" I really hoped he did not need to harm my friend further. Bakura had been through enough.

"I simply need him to duel for me in the Battle City Finals."

"Oh." I bit my lip and averted my gaze.

Marik sat perpendicular to me at the corner of the table. "Is something wrong, Samia?"

I hesitated before looking at him. "I just wish you would leave Bakura out of all of this. He is - was - my best friend. He's the first person I met after my parents died, and he's always been there for me. Then this spirit comes around and ruins everything. It would have been fine if we didn't get involved."

Marik eyed me carefully. "I told you, you can't avoid fate. Have you not stopped to think that you never would have met Bakura if you were not an empath and he was not meant to have the Millennium Ring? Perhaps it was not him you needed to meet but the spirit."

I shook my head. "That doesn't make any sense at all. Why would I be connected to him?"

"He seems to be pretty interested in you."

"He knew an empath in ancient Egypt. He probably wants to use my powers somehow for his evil ends."

Marik gave me a pointed look. "Empaths cannot be used for evil. He may justify his interest that way, but it necessarily points to something good."

I considered that for a moment. The Spirit's actions were quite confusing. While they logically made sense, I could feel there was something deeper in play. "Maybe that's right. I wish I understood his motives."

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