Chapter 23

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A/N: I'm back, everyone! I'm sorry I was away for so long. I had some major life transitions, including moving 1,500 miles across the country, that took up all of my time and energy. I don't know how often I'll be able to update now, but I'll try to make it steady and consistent even if it's a little slow. Thank you for your patience, everyone. I hope you enjoy this chapter!


Chapter 23

While I waited alone in Marik's room, I took the opportunity to study my book. I skimmed through the pages, looking for pertinent information. Ideally, I would read the whole thing, but I did not have that kind of time.

After only a few minutes, the words on the pages blurred, and I had to put the book down. I leaned my head against the back of my chair and closed my eyes. I could not stop thinking about what I had learned from Marik. I wished I had been there for him. Why had my grandmother moved to Japan? Just because she knew everyone would eventually gather here? But if Marik had found his way here, couldn't I as well? Maybe if I had grown up in Egypt, my parents wouldn't have died.

But I wouldn't have met Bakura when I was young. Sure, I would have had Marik instead, but... The Spirit of the Millennium Ring insisted we had been drawn together for a reason. How long had he been conscious inside the Ring while my friend wore it? Had he been watching me? Watching us?

I had too many questions and too few answers. My mother had taught me that seeking the answers would only bring pain, but I did not care anymore. This time, people I cared about were on the line, so I had to be strong. I just wish I did not feel so alone. If only I could tell Yami and Yugi what I was doing... I wished I could find a way to make them understand.

My eyes napped open when I heard someone enter. I could feel Marik's presence even before I stood to face him. He had grown cold again, his anger simmering at the surface covering all other emotions. His expression softened slightly when he looked at me but only just. I dared not ask where he had been.

"Samia, it is time for me to put your friends to use," he said in a calculated tone. "You may stay here if you do not wish to be involved, or you may join me – but be warned you will only hear my side of the conversation."

He's going to use the Millennium Rod to speak, I thought. "By 'friends,' do you mean Tea and Joey? Are you going to control their minds?"

Marik's lips twisted into a bitter smile. "Very good. We shall see if they will cause little Yugi to be a little more accommodating." He paused. "What will it be? You were there at the start of my plan, so I thought it fitting that you be there to see the fruits of your efforts."

I bit my lip. What exactly could he have planned? Whatever it was, it would not be good. "If I go with you, will you allow me to try to stop you?"

Marik studied my face. "We will be alone in a room, and there will be nothing you can do to stop me. However, as I said before, you may attempt to persuade me to leniency – though it won't do much good."

I frowned. It might not do me much good, but my presence couldn't be good for him either. I could influence him into feeling guilty if only because he would regret the pain he would cause me. So why did I get the feeling he wanted me to go with him?

He's lonely. Of course, that was it. Would I be able to convince him the only cure was to rid himself of all thoughts of revenge? I had to try.

I took a deep breath. "I'll go with you, Marik."

Marik's face did not change, though I felt a slight upbeat in his emotions. "Very well. Follow me."

I slipped on my backpack and exited the room after him. He led me to the deck of the ship and stopped when we reached the front. I took a moment to take in our surroundings, something I had been too anxious to do when I first boarded the ship. We were in an enclosed dock at the pier with no one else around. No doubt Rare Hunters made sure we were not discovered.

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