Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Several hours passed with little activity. Yugi and I searched for Rare Hunters to duel but came up empty. I had the feeling that they would appear on their own terms. At least I had a chance to unwind and process everything that had happened that morning. I was as confused as ever, but it helped to have a break.

We were strolling through the park where a circus had been set up when a harlequin jumped out from behind a tree. His creepy clownish costume made me wary.

"Who are you?" Yugi said in an even tone.

"Hello, Yugi," the man said. "We've been looking for you."

"Who's 'we?'"

"You'll find out if you walk that way." He pointed to his left. "53 steps forward and into that tent. My master is waiting for you inside. It's in your best interest to go." Then he cackled and jumped into the bushes.

I grabbed Yugi's arm. "Something about this doesn't feel right. It could be a trap."

"I know, but what choice to I have?"

I bit my lip and let him go. He was right. We had no leads so far. We needed to face whatever was in that tent. I took a deep breath and walked with Yugi.

I thought I heard someone calling our names, but I had to hurry to catch up with Yugi inside the tent. Inside the tent, a magic box was set up on the stage. The box opened to reveal the harlequin.

"Enter here, Yugi," he said with an evil cackle. "My master's waiting." He disappeared into the darkness of the box.

My uneasiness grew, and I shivered. "Be careful."

Yugi nodded. This time, I stayed very close to him as he walked forward. The box doors closed behind us, and we walked through to enter another room. My senses were overwhelmed by something, making me very disoriented. At least there was nothing downright evil. There was just... trickery being used.

Yugi stepped towards a computer in the middle of the room. Upon closer inspection, I saw that the screen displayed Yugi's Battle City duelist data. I stared at the Dark Magician, his rarest card. I jumped back in fright when the image suddenly changed to a magician wearing red and an evil smile.

The red Dark Magician materialized as a hologram in the room. This was an illusion, not magic, but it was still intimidating. "I've been waiting for you," it said. "You are not worthy of having me in your deck, so prepare to lose me forever! You're not the only duelist with my power in your deck, Yugi, and you're certainly not the best. It's time that you met the true master of the Dark Magician!"

Yugi remained calm and confident. "Alright, enough of these tricks," he said.

The magician faded, and an evil cackle filled the room. I shivered as a man emerged from the shadows. "Welcome, Yugi Muto," he said. There was a duel disk on his arm, and he held up the red Dark Magician card. The man was dressed as a magician himself and even wore a white and black striped mask. "I am the illusionist known as Arkana. And soon your favorite card will be dueling for me. Only a true master of illusion deserves to hold the Dark Magician. You will never understand its full potential."

Yugi glared at the man. "That is enough, Arkana!"

"Sorry, Yugi, I know it must be hard to think of your favorite card in another duelist's deck. Well, I challenge you to a duel! The winner will take the loser's Dark Magician."

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