Chapter 22

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"Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

– "How to Save a Life" by The Fray

Chapter 22

I followed Marik onto the ship, scrunching my nose at the smell of fish and sea salt. I had not considered how he had arrived in Domino City, but now it all made sense. I bristled as several Rare Hunters passed us along the hallway in the interior of the ship, although one look from Marik and they kept their distance.

We stopped in front of a door on the left. Marik raised his hand to knock but held his fist midair as he turned to me. "I apologize; I have some matters to take care of. Please find a way to entertain yourself for a while. I am leaving you with my most trusted servant, so you have no reason to worry."

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. My trepidation had faded, but the idea of spending time alone with a Rare Hunter other than Marik did not sound too appealing. At least I would have a break from being near a Millennium Item.

Marik knocked on the door. "Odion."

The door swung open. I sensed something different from the tall Egyptian man towering over us. He was not like the other Rare Hunters I had come across. He wore the purple robe, but the hood laid against his neck, exposing his shaved head and tattoos on the left side of his face. He had an intimidating expression, and yet there was softness in his emotions. I also had the sense I had seen him in the past.

"This is Samia," Marik said. "She is a guest of ours. Make sure she is taken care of while I am gone."

"As you wish, Master Marik," Odion said I a deep voice.

Marik appeared satisfied at this. "I will return soon, Samia."

I wondered what type of business he had to do, and then I realized I probably did not want to know. Odion stepped aside, and I walked into the room. It appeared to be a simple bedroom with a bed pushed to the side and a work desk near a small window.

Odion pulled out the chair from the desk and motioned to it. "Have a seat."

I did not move. It would feel too awkward to sit when he was already so tall. And I was too busy trying to figure him out. My intuition tried to tell me something important about him, but I could not quite grasp it.

"Are you hungry?"

I shook my head.

"Tell me if there is anything you need. I am at your service."

This triggered my memory, and it suddenly all came together. "I remember you. You're Marik's brother."

Surprise flashed in Odion's eyes for a second, and then it was replaced by something else... weariness? "Adopted brother. And you are correct. We met when you visited Egypt nine years ago."

I instantly relaxed. I had liked Odion. He was kind and considerate, and he was obviously devoted to his adopted family. I wondered how he had gotten mixed up with the Rare Hunters. Even now, I sensed little darkness from him. His emotions were much more complicated than the others'.

"May I ask you something, Miss Samia?" Odion also appeared to have let his guard down a little, although his question came with some hesitancy.

"Of course," I said.

"Master Marik insists you are not a prisoner. Why are you here?"

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