Chapter 25

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"Everywhere I turn, I hurt someone
But there's nothing I can say to change
The things I've done
Of all the things I hid from you
I cannot hide the shame
And I pray someone, something will come
To take away the pain

- "No Way Out" by Phil Collins

Chapter 25

I jumped onto the dueling arena and ran to Bakura as soon as soon as his life points hit zero. I found the Millennium Ring flung to the side and grabbed it. I returned it to my friend when I reached him. I did not think the Ring was good for him except that he probably needed the Spirit's strength. Slifer's attack must have taken a lot out of the Spirit, though, for I did not feel his presence even with the Ring around Bakura's neck.

"How is he doing?" Yami asked, standing over me as I knelt beside my friend. Within a moment, the others were crowded around us.

"I - I don't know," I said truthfully. I helped Bakura sit up, and his eyes blinked open.

"Samia?" he said. "So, where am I?"

"That's a long story."

"You're with your friends now, Bakura," Yami said.

"He doesn't look very good," said Serenity. "I think we need to get him to a doctor."

"So, why don't we get Kaiba to land this thing?" said Joey.

"Yeah!" Tristan said. "But first-" He crouched down with his back to Bakura. "-help him onto my back so we can get him to his room." Yami and I assisted in getting Bakura onto Tristan's back. Tristan then stood up and headed for the exit. Marik fell in step beside me as I followed.

Samia, Yami said as we walked, why did you appeal to the Spirit of the Ring instead of me? Did you really think I would attack Bakura?

No, I knew you wouldn't. But I wanted you to win. I had to get the Spirit to back down.

I see.

Once inside, Tristan carefully lay Bakura on his bed. My friend had lost consciousness again and did not appear in good shape. The sorrow from the others nearly overwhelmed me, and I unconsciously moved closer to Marik to get away from it.

"Bakura's been through a lot," Duke said, "and he definitely needs rest, but we gotta land this blimp and get him to a hospital."

"Yeah," Tea said.

"Some crazy stuff went down in that duel," Joey said, "especially when Marik showed up. What exactly happened back there?" I kept my gaze fixed on Bakura.

"For some reason, Marik didn't want the Spirit of the Ring to lose," Yugi said. "So, when I was about to play my Egyptian god card and win the duel, Marik used his Millennium Rod to free the real Bakura. Since he was injured, Marik knew I would forfeit the duel instead of attacking him."

"But the Spirit took control again," Tea said.

"Yeah, how did you get through to him, Samia?" Joey asked. "It's like you knew just what to say."

I hesitated. "I just told him the truth. I made him think about the consequences of his actions, and he chose correctly."

"Well, good thing you did," Yugi said. "You were great out there."

I smiled slightly. "Thanks."

"Do you think that Spirit will come back?" Serenity asked.

"If he does, I'm sure Samia can take care of him," Joey said, causing me to blush at the attention.

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