Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

The following morning, I packed supplies I thought I would need into my backpack. This was the second day of the tournament with no date given for the finals. I had a feeling this would be an overnight thing, so I made sure to pack an overnight bag. I also grabbed the book, photo, and letter I had discovered the previous night. I was set for anything.

Yugi picked me up once again, and we headed off to Domino Square together. We ran into Joey and Mai, and the three duelists reveled in their achievements. Finally, after wishing each other good luck, we all set off on our own.

Yugi still wanted to focus on dueling Rare Hunters, so we wandered the city looking for anything suspicious. After a little time passed, I decided to tell him about what my grandmother had left me. I only briefly mentioned the letter and totally left out the photograph – both appeared too personal to share at the moment.

"Nonviolence?" Yugi said as he examined the book. We sat next to each other on a park bench in an area filled with duelists. "What do you suppose that means? I can see how violence was a part of life in ancient Egypt, but all we're doing is dueling, which is not violent."

"Forcing someone to go to the Shadow Realm is violent, I guess," I said.

Yugi shook his head. "I always try to prevent that from happening if I can, and the other guy always starts it. It's self-defense."

I took the book back, a small frown on my face. "Well, maybe it's metaphorical. It may have more to do with our motivations and how we view our enemy." I wanted to ask him what he would do to Marik if given the chance, but I did not have the courage. I slipped the book back in my bag. "Anyway, don't worry about it too much. You and Yami should focus on what you do best. Let me figure out my role."

Yugi nodded. "Of course. How is that going, by the way? Are you making any progress with your powers?"

I leaned back on the bench and sighed. "Not really. It's all so confusing. Even the simple part like discerning emotions... I wish I could learn how to focus my abilities more so I don't become overwhelmed."

"Is there any way I can help?"

"Actually... if you don't mind, you and Yami could help me by switching places without telling me. I'll close my eyes and use my senses to figure out who is in control."

Yugi smiled. "We can definitely do that!"

I hesitated. "Shouldn't you be looking for a duel?"

"We have all day to duel, and this is important too. We may not know what part you will play in all of this, but it can only help for you to master your abilities."

A warm smile spread across my face. It was really great to have a friend like him. "Thank you, Yugi. Both of you."

"No problem. Let's get started."

We spent the next couple of hours in training. It was all quite rigorous and not as easy as I thought. We started simple in a quiet place with few distractions, but then we moved to busier sections of the city that clogged my senses. In the end, though, I felt like I definitely improved. We ended the session with lunch at an outdoor café.

"Thanks again for the help," I said before biting into my sandwich.

Yugi beamed at me. "You're welcome, Samia. You're my friend, after all."

"And I'm glad. I feel lucky to have met so many amazing people, especially after having to lose Bakura..."

Yugi's smile faded, and he looked at me in concern. "How are you dealing with that? It must be terrible to lose your best friend."

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