Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

My friends and I gathered around Odion as the doctor worked on him in his room. I still felt sick to my stomach. My friends ignored my presence for the moment, which gave me time to think about how I could explain my situation. Yami had retreated inside of Yugi. That was just as well. I did not know what so say to him.

"So, what's the diagnosis, doc?" Joey said.

"Well, so far Odion's heart rate is steady," said the doctor. "His tests were fine, but I'm afraid all the mental stress he's gone through has left him unconscious."

"Yeah, I could use a nap, too."

"The doctor means he's been knocked out, Joey," Tea said. She looked at him in concern. "You should be really thankful you're not in the same state."

Joey grimaced. "You got a good point there. I mean, he and I were both standing right there When his Egyptian god monster went all kablooie. But I'm perfectly fine..."

"I guess that means we're not gonna find out who this guy is until he's able to wake up," Duke said.

"That may not be true," Yugi said. He looked at me, and I froze. "Samia, do you know him?"

I swallowed hard. "Yes."

"Well, out with it," Joey said. "Who is he?"

"He's Marik's adopted brother. He wants to be a real part of Marik's family and thinks it's his duty to serve Marik."

"That makes sense," Yugi said. "He was determined to protect Marik for as long as he could."

"And for what?!" said Joey. "Just look at him! Odion's lying in a hospital bed, and Marik could care less if he ever wakes up again! That creep's as nasty as they get."

"That's because it's not really Marik who's in control!" I said.

"And how are we supposed to trust you?" Duke said, making me flinch. "How do we know you're not working with Marik?"

"It's not like that!"

"I'm sure Samia has a good explanation," Tea said.

"Tea's right," said Yugi. He gave me a gentle smile. "Why don't you tell us what happened, Samia?"

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. I could do this. If I said nothing, they would never trust me again. "I met Marik on my trip to Egypt when I was little. We became friends. He was very different from how he is today. When we met again during Battle City, I could tell he still cared about me. And when we were alone, I saw the Marik I used to know still inside. I - I just wanted to help him. Not by helping him with his evil plans. If he succeeded, that would ultimately be bad for him. I wanted to help him be who he used to be.

"He welcomed me to stay with him so I could try. He tried to persuade me that he was right, but he never forced me to do anything or threatened me in any way. I promised my actions never did anything to hurt any of you. I tried to stop him through my words and empathic powers. I know I lied to you about who he was, but I don't think it would have mattered too much in the long run. And if I did not agree to go along with his story, he probably would have locked me up. I thought I could be of more use to everyone if I stayed with him. I'm really sorry about everything."

Silence fell across the room. My friends looked at each other uncertainly. It was Serenity who spoke first, "That's alright, Samia. There was no harm done."

"Yeah, you were just trying to help out a friend," said Tristan. "I can understand that... even if it is Marik."

"Right," said Tea.

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