Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

We all gathered around Mai's bad, gazing at her sadly as she lay there motionless. "Joey, she's not waking up!" Serenity said in distress.

"Mai?" said Joey.

"She can't hear you," said Tea. "Marik trapped her mind in the Shadow Realm."

"Poor Mai!" Serenity said sadly.

Joey balled his hands into fists. "This tournament's gotten way out of hand!"

"You know why?" said Duke. "'Cause there's a mind-warping psycho on board!" Everyone groaned. "Just being honest."

"I'll never forgive Marik."

"Anger won't solve anything," I said softly.

Joey turned on me, his eyes flashing. "What did you say?"

I sucked in a sharp breath. This is the point where I normally would have backed down, but I was tired of being weak and helpless. If I could not even stand up for what I believed in against my friend, what good was I? "Getting angry at Marik won't bring Mai back. And it's not really Marik who did it."

"So, he has another personality. Who cares? It's still him, isn't it?"

I bit my lip. "Well, yes..."

"Then he's still responsible, and he's going to pay!"

"Revenge isn't the answer!"

"What would you know about it?"

"He killed my parents!"

Joey stared at me, stunned, while silence permeated the room. "I - what?"

I took a deep breath. "My parents died during my trip to Egypt. It was Marik's fault. His dark side took over and killed them. He didn't even know about it until recently. But I understand what you're feeling, Joey. It's still him." I fought back tears. His gaze on me softened. "I'm not prone to anger, but I could have run and hid from everything. That's what I wanted to do. It's what I did do at first. But I knew Marik was in trouble, and I couldn't just do nothing. I chose to look past what he did. I chose love.

"Don't you see? It was anger and hatred that created Marik's dark side. He used to be just like any of us, and any of us could become like he is now if we let the worst of us take over. We have to be better than that. We need to defeat Marik, yes, but we can do so without hatred in our hearts. And we can try to save him if at all possible."

Joey sighed. "I understand what you're saying, Samia, but I just don't know if I can do that. You're a better person than me."

"Then imagine someone you'd care about was in Marik's place. How would you treat them? What if it was Serenity who went off the handle?"

Joey bristled. "She would never do that!"

I gave him a sad look. "That's what I would have said about Marik too. He was just as sweet as her when I met him."

"Yeah, well-"

"Joey!" Serenity said, grabbing his arm. "I think you should listen to her. I understand what she's saying. If you were in that position, I would do anything to save you. Wouldn't you do the same for me?"

Joey relaxed, lowering his head. "Of course I would, Serenity." He sighed and looked at me. "Fine. I still say Marik needs to be defeated, but I'll try to keep a lid on my anger."

I smiled slightly. "Thanks, Joey. I appreciate that."

"We all will," Yugi said. "You're right that anger will solve nothing. We need to stop Marik for the good of the world."

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