Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

"It is great to see you again, Samia," Marik said swung his legs over his motorcycle strode toward us, "but who is your bodyguard?" His eyes fell on the exposed Millennium Ring hanging around Bakura's neck. "Found yourself another Millennium Item holder?"

I stared at him, my mind completely blank. It was even a struggle to read his emotions. He clearly had practice at concealing them, but unlike the Spirit of the Millennium Ring, I could tell there was much depth there. Complicating matters, the dark presence of the Millennium Rod muddied everything else I felt, even my own emotions.

"I see you are indeed acquainted," Dark Bakura said, "but if you wish to speak more with the girl, you have to go through me. And to get past me, you will need to give me your Millennium Item."

Finally, my thoughts snapped into place, and I glared at Bakura. "You're not in charge of me. I can talk to whomever I want to."

He gave me a pointed look. "Clearly, you need to work on your negotiation skills."

I ignored him and looked at Marik. "He's not my bodyguard. He's ancient spirit possessing my best friend, and I'm only with him because you forced me to leave Yami."

Marik's lips curled into a smirk. "But if I am correct, you came searching for me, did you not?"

I glanced at Bakura. "It was not entirely my choice."

"We both had interest in meeting you," said Bakura, "and it appears you have interest in her. Before I hand her over to you, I need to understand your intentions. Are you after her as the empath?"

Marik looked at him with raised eyebrows. "How do you know about the empath?"

"I knew one – present company excluded."

"I see." Something stirred inside Marik, but I could not locate the emotion. "I presume your interest in her is to use her powers to further your own goals – whatever they may be. In that regard, we are different." He paused, and I thought I saw his eyes soften slightly as he looked at me. "However, I would like her to stay with me because she is the empath – but to protect her, not exploit her."

"Protect?" I echoed. "Protect me from what?" Ask anyone else, and they would all say I needed protection from Marik himself. I searched but found no deceit. Ishizu had said he did care about me, and my intuition told me that was true.

"From the pharaoh. And more precisely, your bond with him."

"You cannot break the bond," Bakura said. "Believe me, I've seen others try." There was a hint of frustration in his voice that it seemed even Marik picked up on.

"But you would welcome such a turn of events if I did find a way."

Bakura watched me out of the corner of his eye. "I could accomplish my goals either way. It is simply a shame that she will have to suffer only because she will do what it is in her nature to do."

Puzzled by his assessment, I glanced at him, but he looked away. On all accounts, he was as calm, cool, and composed as ever, and yet... The presence of two dark Millennium Items was messing with my mind. That had to be it.

"I agree," said Marik. "That is why I wish to help her. While it may not be possible to sever the bond completely, what if it could be transferred to someone else? Someone like me?"

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