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And with that they all split up and started training. Astra ran over to Ochaka," Let's practice together!"

Ochaka looked unconvinced," How?"

She smiled," Let's fight in the air."

Ochaka glanced at her," In the air?"

" Yep!"

She could see Ochaka nodding and they started their exercise. As soon as rocks lifted Astra used her warp ability to warp in the air, she sent a kick and punch to any nearby rocks and then vanished only to reappear in the air again.

Staying in the air and destroying rocks was much more difficult then she had originally anticipated. She had only seconds to destroy the rocks and warp before she felt herself falling.

And then a rock hit her arm, it sliced skin and she heard Ochaka shout," Oh I'm so sorry!!"

Astra warped again and kicked the moving rocks harder," It's fine! A little scrape won't kill me!"

She could already feel it healing and she winced more because of the healing process then actually being cut. They stayed like this for an hour before Ochaka had to stop.

Astra landed on silent feet and rushed over to a barely conscious Ochaka," Girl are you ok? You need some water?"

Before Ochaka could answer Astra had pulled a water bottle out with her wrapping magic and handed it to the girl. Ochaka took small gulps and Astra rocked back on her haunches.

" I'm gonna go train by myself now I'll see you later!" She waved her friend goodbye and made for a clearing that was far away enough from everyone. Though they were already spread pretty far out from each other.

Astra felt her eyes change as she let more ethernano follow through her veins,"Tremble."

This time she put more ethernano into her attack and she confined the space; it was an attack that wouldn't affect the others' training.

Around her thought the land shook; vibrations slit the air and the earth quite literally uprooted itself. Instead of letting the magic dissipate like she'd usually do she let it simmer there, bubble and burst, but never go out.

This constant pouring out of magic was like trying to keep a candle lit in a windy storm. It was fucking difficult. Astra strained her muscles as she concentrated until she had no more energy left to expend.

She had to get stronger. She had people she wanted to protect. Fairies she wanted to get home to one day. She had a goal and nothing would get in her way.

Dizziness set in but she kept on pushing, her barriers wobbled and she felt the veins of magic leech out. She was quick to draw them back in. But the more she concentrated the more her magic began to lose control.

When she could no longer hold the magic she let it disperse back into its natural form and watched as it collapsed on the uprooted earth, breathing hard. The afternoon had gone and she was for once, exhausted from training.

" I didn't think that'd ever happen!"

Grinning to herself she turned her head at the new scent that had entered the training grounds. A group of students she didn't recognise were gathered. They stared at Astra and her classmates in shock.

She looked around at her clearing and watched as her classmates trained hard. Wiping the sweat from her face Astra grinned, she may be exhausted but she was pumped. Katsuki was blowing things up as usual. She thought she saw waves of electricity being shot out on top of a small mountain - that must be Denki. Shouto was somewhere, she could practically feel the embers of his flames and the wintry bite of his ice.

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