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Astra handed Eri over to one of the medics and was about to leave when someone stopped her. An officer, he had his hand on his pistol, she wasn't even sure he was aware of that," Please come this way, we have a few things we'd like to discuss with you."

Astra sighed and followed along behind, hoping against all odds the interrogation wouldn't take too long. She sat down and glanced at the man before her, in the corner of the room stood two Pro Hero's she didn't recognise," I'm Officer Kein, I'll be asking you a few questions."

" Of course."

" Your name and age please."

" My name's Astra Callisto and I'm 16."

She watched as he scribbled something down," How is it you're able to deflect Eraser's quirk."

Astra shrugged," How should I know? It's not like he's tried to erase my quirk before."

The officer shook his head," This morning Eraserhead tried erasing your quirk so you wouldn't leave school grounds. It didn't work."

Astra's eyes widened, when had that happened?! Shit," I didn't know I could do that."

The officer gave her a dubious look," How exactly is your family and the Shehisiki group related?"

Astra shrugged," Dunno, my family's made a few enemies. "

" So it's safe to say there's a motive behind the attack?"

Astra snorted at that," Who attacks someone without motive? Don't be stupid, of course there was a reason behind it." That's what she was still trying to figure out. What was their end game...

The officer's expression didn't change. The slight tick in his jaw however, was enough incentive to keep Astra coming up with more vague answers," And what motive could they possibly have?

She shrugged," Dunno, you should probably ask them that yourself."

He nodded," Is it safe to assume you have more then one quirk?"

She bit her lip," You could say that."

" List your quirks."

Astra pursed her lips," All of them?"

He raised a brow," Of course."

She nodded solemnly," There's too many to count on one hand" That probably encompassed most if not all of her magic abilities.

He didn't look impressed," Try."

Astra scoffed," You try having a plethora of abilities and list every single one off when it would be much simpler to just use an umbrella term. Oh wait, you can't to do that can you?"

He ignored her.

" So when can these cuffs come off?"

He shook his head," You went out and attacked a villain without permission. You're under arrest for failure to comply with the terms of your contract.''

" What contract?"

" The contract you signed when you recieved your provisional lisnce." He looked exasperation. Astra couldn't remeber signing anything.

" So I'm under arrest for rescuing my hounds?"

" You're under arrest for failure to comply to the terms of your contract. You engaged a villian in a non extreme circumstance."

She raised a brow," I'd like to see someone steal your dogs and chain then up to wires and hurt them. See if you will consider that a non extreme situation." And last she checked every hero in existence had been on that scene when she left. Non extreme circumstances her ass.

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