(Burst/ Season 1) Clingy Shu Kurenai x Strict Reader

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Requested: AiriShizuka

Thanks for the request. I kinda like this story because of his clingy behaviour^^. Anyway, hope you like this story!!

Type of this story:
(☁️ + ❤)


(No one POV)

At the park after they beyblading for an hour, a certain (h/c) haired female was taking a fresh air while your clingy boyfriend rest his head on your shoulder, almost like cuddling.

"Shu, how long will you stop cuddling me? Especially in tbe public!" I said, groaning at his clinged behaviour. Shu faced me with an innocent face.

"I can cuddle whatever I want because you're my girlfriend." He said, gave you a cute smiled secretly. You sighed heavily.

"Whatever you say, bunny." He grinned at your responses.

"That's good to hear, (N/N)." You rolled your eyes and said,

"And remember to do your homework because our teacher math told to do a math homework." He pouted at my strict action.

"Just do it tonight." I gave him a look.

"No, maybe right now." He pouted once again, making your heart melt at his pout.


(Author POV)

And oh, I almost forgot this information of this story, hehe^^. Ok, it's about you and Shu were couple since you enter in tournament.

You then met him when you were battling him. At first, he was very serious, strong and hardworking blader.

After you two get along for a few months, he started become 'clingy' to you, except his friends.

Whenever they were around you and Shu, he act mature and normal thing. His friends knew (Y/N) as well.

That was his secret and he also know that you were strict person ans he thought your behaviour like a 'mom'.

Like; you told them to not do any trouble, mostly Valt. You even told them to finish their homework before training.

But, they just give you an any excuses and do that later. You then keep nagging at them for not do their homework.

They got scolded by you and do what you told. Shu always listened what you say and literally doesn't care.

Shu doesn't care if his girlfriend being strict towards him and his friends, as long as he got an attention, not from the other guy.


Back to present
(No one POV)

"Shu, you know that our teacher was very mad and strict?" He nodded, knew their teacher was always like that.

"Then, let's go home and do homework." You were about get up from his cuddling, he then pulled you again.

"Will you come to my house and do homework together?" He asked, give you a sparkly eyes in hope. You can't say no at a genius, and yet clingy boyfriend.

"Sure thing. Wait for me." He smiled, pecked on your forehead. Your cheeks grew red after he gave you a kiss. He grinned.

"I'm always waiting for you, (N/N)." He get up and left you alone. You facepalmed at him and sighed.

"Oh, Shu. When we first met, you were mature and serious at the same time. And now, we're couple and you changed to clingy. I can't help it, but he's kinda cute when he act like that."

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