Awoken, but not nicely.

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Javier... can you move your head off my boob? Your nose is bony." She mumbled half asleep with a red face. Javier grunted and adjusted himself so his head was laying on her stomach.

He wrapped his arms around her torso and looked like he was laying in a awfully awkward position, and could feel him nudge his cheek into her stomach.

Between the position she was in with the man, and the darkness still outside it would make more sense to try and get more sleep.

She hesitantly reached her hand down and pulled his hair out of the small ponytail, and pulled a few small sticks in his hair out.

Javier opened his eyes and looked up at her with a soft smile, Ranza immediately pulled her hand away from his hair and looked a bit embarrassed.

"It's alright, I don't mind." He mumbled softly and she hummed shortly and scratched her neck a bit.

Ranza laid there for awhile, and looked down seeing Javier asleep quietly. She pried him off of her and rolled onto her side, Javier giving more grunts in response and buried his head in the back of her neck.

She wouldn't think of Javier to be a super cuddly guy, but Jesus was he clingy.

Falling asleep a little while later, with her back pressed up against his chest, and one of his hands grabbed ahold of hers, holding it to her stomach gently.


Ranza jolted awake, soon followed by Javier behind her as gunshots rang out loudly outside the hotel.

Javier groaned behind her and let his head rest back down, nuzzling into her neck again. Ranza's breathing a bit heavy as the shots continued to go off.

"I thought you were on the other side of me...?" He mumbled against the skin of her neck and she blinked, realizing in fact she was now on the left side, rather than the right- which she fell asleep on.

She shrugged. "I was." She said and he huffed against her neck a bit before what felt like a kiss, but she wasn't sure as it was fairly quick. Javier let go of her and rolled onto his stomach and buried his face into the pillow.

Ranza sat up and grabbed his pocket watch off the side table and opened it carefully. "What time is it?" Javier asked and Ranza squinted at the small clock. She could read, and write english fairly well; But despite this she still struggled to read the time on the damned clocks. She'd done it so many times, but yet for some reason it was always a job.


Rubbing his eyes behind her Javier sat up and raised his eyebrow to her. "Can you not read time?" he asked and scooted a bit closer to her. Ranza shifted her eyes to him for a moment. "No, I can... just not very well..." she muttered sheepishly, her eyes widened when she figured out the numbering.

"It's almost noon!" she cried out and shot up quickly putting the pocket watch down, and Javier grabbed the watch, flipping it open before setting it back down.

She quickly took the messy braid out of her hair and started brushing it out, Javier fixing his shirt and put his vest back on. He walked up behind her and took the brush once she sat it down, and brushed his own hair, while watching her braid quickly.

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