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Javier sat to the side of her, rubbing gentle, soothing circles in between her shoulder blades softly. From his point of view it looked like something was truly wrong. He'd watched her storm into here quickly, and basically fall onto her bedroll.

Javier sat to the side of her, rubbing gentle, soothing circles in between her shoulder blades softly. From his point of view it looked like something was truly wrong. He'd watched her storm into here quickly, and basically fall onto her bedroll.

"I'm fine Javier..." she muttered into the pillow- or more the rolled blanket used as a pillow; her voice muffled from being directed into the compact fabric roll.

He frowned, and ran his hand up to the part of her cheek she could reach. "Mierda, you are warm... are you sick?" He asked, becoming more worried now than concerned.

If it was possible; Ranza's face became warmer, the skin turning a darker shade of red as the blood arose in embarrassment. "No..." she murmured. Javier frowned, looking at her confused. "Then what's wrong?" He asked.

His brows furrowed, and he turned himself to sit beside her, angling his head down at her- studying what could be seen of her. "Did Micah bother you?"

Ranza looked up at him, noticing the look of concern on his face. She pursed her lips, and shook her head; avoiding eye contact with him.

Javier's eyes continued to flick around her face, and he gently slid a part of hair that fell out of the braid behind her ear. "So?" He prodded, and cupped her cheek gently.

She could feel her face being gently turned to look over at him, and he started to stroke her cheek with his thumb. He studied her for a moment, before adjusting his hand to trace over a small blemish under her eye gently.

Ranza shut her eye he was tracing under out of instinct, and he looked back at her directly. "Is that a scar?" He asked, moving his hand back to cradle her jaw.

She nodded, and craned her head to bring it off his hand. Javier getting the cue and dropping it back down to his lap.  "How'd you get it?" He asked, and she blinked, thinking about the event.

Her face warmed up again. He probably thought it was something serious, but yet it was far from that. Javier's eyebrows rose seeing her face heat up again.

"A branch..." she murmured, and he cocked one brow a bit higher, showing curiosity to how a branch could cause permanent scarring, though he didn't know how old it was. "I see..." he said with a small chuckle, and looked at her amused as she puffed at him, turning her head away to chew on the inside of her cheek as she looked out the tent.

The two sat for a minute, Javier openly looking at Ranza as she looked around at the camp outside the tent; knowing of the man staring right at her.

She crossed her legs so she was sitting indian style, and fiddled with her hands in her lap a bit, and flicked  some stuff off her pants. Ranza jumped feeling his hand at her back, and she looked back at him confused- not knowing what he was doing.

Ranza could feel him pulling on her hair a bit- but it wasn't in a way in pulling at it. She could feel her hair fall apart some- showing the first fumbling was him taking the strip out of her hair.

He brought his hand up, and gently ran it through her hair; watching it curl up a bit as he broke apart the strands, and curled up a bit. Javier continued to gently run his hand through her hair, and she seemed oblivious to it after a moment when she closed her eyes.

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