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| Jaxon Wright |

I don't know what Alyssa is going on about, but to avoid our first argument as a couple I go into the kitchen. I know she's stubborn, especially about her weight and confidence. I tell her all the time how gorgeous she is, but I don't think she genuinely believes me.

I know she's nervous to go to school tomorrow, everyone will see us together. Not as friends but as a couple. I know that has to be overwhelming for her. I pull the cookies out of the oven and I sit them on the stove to cool. Speaking of school, I have to talk to Alyssa about what happened at kyle's party. She doesn't know I have the flash drive. I go back into the living room and she's sitting on her phone watching tiktoks.


She clears her throat but doesn't say anything.

"Alyssa Marie Mitchell."

She still doesn't say anything. I sit down next to her and I grab her sides tickling her, making her erupt into laughter. I laugh kissing her cheek, she looks up at me and goes back to her straight stubborn face, "what do you want?"

I grin rubbing small circles on her waist, "i want to talk to my sweet girlfriend."

"Shut up," she rolls her eyes, "what the hell do you want??!"

I stare at her, I'm just gonna let her keep that attitude.

"The party."

Her expression softens, "oh...what about the party?"

"I know something happened between you and Kyle," I look into her eyes. She sits her phone down and shrugs, "I don't think anything happened...I woke up to him unconscious."

"I handled it. But he still violated you, I just want to know if you want to go to the police?"

She laughs unbelievably, "with what? I have no proof that he did anything to me."

"Kyle was stupid enough to set up a camera, I have the footage on my flash drive." I grin. She gasps tugging on my shirt, her eyes wide and hopeful.

"Yes I wanna go to the police! I don't want him to get away with what he did."

"Okay, we'll talk to your parents and go down to the station tomorrow." I nod my head, kissing her forehead.

Once the cookies cooled off, everyone got 2. The boys sit at the island eating them with oat milk, once they're done they clean up their mess, pack their book bags and they both head upstairs. Alyssa sits her phone down and lets out a yawn, "I'm so tired."

"Cmon let's go to bed baby," I stand up and hold my hand out for her. She smiles, happily taking my hand.

I lay in her bed watching her stand in her bathroom brushing her teeth. She's so gorgeous from every angle. Once she's done she comes into the room.

"What are you smiling at?" She raised an eyebrow as she pulls pulls her bonnet on. I open the blanket and pat the spot in front of me, giving her a smile.

"Come lay down love."

She laughs lightly getting under the blankets with me, facing me. I kiss her lips softly just watching her. After a while of just talking she falls asleep and turns her back to me. I pull her in closer by her waist and I soon fall asleep too.


"Jaxon...let go of me."

"Jaxon! We have to get ready for school, you're gonna make us late."

I groan letting go of Alyssa's waist and I reach up wiping my blurry eyes. Why is she yelling so early in the damn morning??!

"Why are you yelling baby?" I sit up looking over to her.

She stares at me for what seems like the longest moment, "I've been trying to get you to let go of me for the last 20 minutes."

"Oh..." I laugh pushing my hair out of my face. She throws a pillow at me and storms into the bathroom. After laying in bed for a few minutes checking my phone, I make sure to make her bed, propping up the pillows and flattening out the comforter.

I've left a few outfits from when Kb and I have spent plenty nights here. I go into her closet and I grab a pair of black jeans and a graphic tee. I sit my clothes out on her bed and I go into the bathroom. While she showers I brush my teeth and do my skincare. Lately I've been using her skincare stuff because it's way better than just my cleanser. I'll have to restock her products for her.

By the time she's out of the shower I'm already downstairs eating breakfast with her family. Once she comes downstairs, I stare at her. She looks so good. She's wearing black shorts and a pink sweatshirt, along with a pair of pink and white converses. I smile widely standing up, "baby you look gorgeous, are you hungry? Aaron and I made waffles."

She shakes her head running her hand through her hair. She straightened her hair, I know because I can smell the fruitiness of the heat control spray she uses. She hugs me and then goes into the fridge grabbing a pack of sliced apples, "mom, are we still going to hobby lobby after school?"

Her mom looks over to her and seethes through her teeth, "work paged me, so I'm not sure when I'll be home baby."

Alyssa nods and gives her a soft smile, "oh, alright. Well if you're home in enough time we can still go."

I watch Alyssa make her rounds giving every single member in the family a kiss. When she gets to me I smirk grabbing her waist, "ready to go?"

She kisses my lips and nods, leading me out the back door. On our way to school we grab Starbucks, instead of getting my usual black coffee, Alyssa convinced me to get her signature drink.

Vt strbry açaí rfr
No inclusions
Lem base
Classic syrup
Raspb syrup
With sweet cream cold foam

Time: 7:27:30 am

I'll be honest, this drink is really good. And the sugar will definitely get you started for the day. When we go to Starbucks this is the drink she always gets, and it's 7.70$. It's expensive as hell. Another reason I just get a regular old black coffee. Once we get to school I go around to her side and open her door. She smiles, "thank you."

I nod watching her fix her clothes, I know she's out of her comfort zone wearing those shorts but I continue to let her know that she looks amazing.  I grab her hand and we walk towards the building.

I grab the door for her and as soon as we get inside heads turn. People were even lined up at the windows watching us walk in. People couldn't get a life even if they wanted too. I have no idea why people are so pressed to know about us. I look down at Alyssa giving her a reassuring smile.

Kb and a few other people i associate walk up to us, "congrats bro!"

Kb looks at Alyssa and grins, "how does it feel?"

Alyssa laughs lightly, "good. I like it."

Alyssa grips my hand tighter, I'm assuming she wants to leave. I grab kb's shoulder making him walk along with us, "we're going to see black Adam after we leave the police station, you wanna come along?"

"Hell yeah, I wanna see Kyle get arrested." Kb chuckles. I laugh a little, but it seems like Alyssa doesn't find this situation funny. Understandable.

"Do you want to grab breakfast baby?" I ask Alyssa.

She looks into the cafeteria full of students and then back up to me, "uhm, no."

I shrug it off nodding my head. Kb and I walk Alyssa to her first period, I know how nervous she is because her little hand is sweating. I walk into the class with her, once she sits down I grab her chin and kiss her lips softly, letting the kiss linger.

As soon as I leave out I notice all the girls that were already in class get up and crowd around her desk. She was irrelevant till today to them, I hope she doesn't make any new fake friends.

(Word count: 1394, excuse any mistakes)

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