Thalia Avoides the Entrance

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My eyes opened, I was breathing hard. It was dark, the sun probably just set. 

I groaned and banged my head against the tree. Stop it. I have to stop having those dreams.

I stood up and my head swam. Happy times, my brain sang, one of the last happy times togetherrrrr.

"Quiet." I said, then louder. Grumbling to myself, I walked back. 

I had successfully snuck back into my room, Jason had left a note.

Hey Sis, I just wanna know more of what's wrong,
I am pretty worried. You've never been like this
for anything else Dad made you do. Please come
Love, Jason

I reread the note before throwing it in the trash. As much as I love and trust my brother, this is my story for me to carry. 

I tossed and turned all night, woke up looking like a zombie. I sniggered, Nico. 

I haven't seen any of my other cousins in a long time. Percy, Nico, Hazel, any of them. Even the distant related ones like Tyson and Estelle. 

A knock sounded on the door, so I got up and answered it. 

I was expecting Jason, but who I saw almost made me slam the door in their face. Hera. 

I glared at her, but she didn't notice. Instead, she gave me a paper. "Here is what you need to fill out. Fill it out as directed, and don't put anything that is fake."

"Yes Hera." I responded dutifully through gritted teeth, then turned away and rolled my eyes. 

I ignored the paper after disposing it on my desk, and instead strapped my knife to my thigh. On the way out I grabbed my bow and arrows. 

Father and Hera never let me carry weapons around. They said that it was good that I knew how to defend myself, just carrying a weapon around was not princess-like. I still brought a knife around, and kept my bow in my room. They never knew. 

But I still had to be careful, anyone would blow up if they found me. Except for Jason, he didn't care. 

Whispers around the corner made me stop short. It was a maid, talking to another maid. "The King is worried about his daughter."

"He is always worried about his daughter."

I scoffed before covering my mouth. Dad was never worried about me. He's faking it.

I peeked around the corner and saw the maid look around, scared. She didn't spot me so she whispered feverishly, "He thinks she's gonna sabotage her chance at the Selection. He says he needs to marry her off, and if she doesn't do good enough at that, then she doesn't get a choice in marriage." 

I fumed, that sounds like my father. When will I ever be enough for him?

Forgetting that I had weapons with me, I barged into the throne room. 

Father was talking to a person, advisor I think, and Hera was nowhere to be seen. He looked up, surprised to see me. Then he plastered an easy smile on his face, "Hello, dear. Have you-"

"HOW DARE YOU!" I stopped a couple of feet from the stairs up to the thrones. Father's eyes turned harsh. 

"I don't know what you mean."

"YOU," I spit out angrily, "said that you would marry me off if I didn't do 'well enough' in the Selection." I mimed air quotes, then added bitterly, "And good enough is Queen." 

"Now, now. You presume, but I say not," Father started calmly, "only if I explain..."

I crossed my arms, but Father had drawn off, staring at me. I notice his gaze was harsh again. I didn't say anything, so what?

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