Dogs Have a Higher Status Than Me

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Lester POV

There was a silence that covered the room. 

"'The course of true love never did run smooth'," I mumbled, causing some glares in my direction. Will tilted his head, "A Midsummer Night's Dream, Shakespeare?"

I nodded, he was the only one who understood me. Being the much more sane brother and a 

doctor, it was kind of his job.

Even though Will and I are the same age, I'm just a bit older. By four months. Really brings all the cheating kings' into light. Really just represents them.

Normally when a king cheats, they don't have more than one child at the same time, and it is physically impossible for a queen to have two children with different fathers at the same time. Still, let us not forget that the queens can cheat too.

Will was found to be the medical genius of the family, and it was obvious by the time we went to school. When we were five, he diagnosed our father with an ongoing sickness that would never go away. It cleared things up.

Throughout this entire charade, everyone thought it was cute that their prince, me, had such a great imagination. You know, talking to arrows, singing randomly, and memorizing extremely old play scripts, death scenes particularly.

Then they got annoyed thinking it was for attention, because Will was in the spotlight. I was the musical genius of the family, which was found out pretty quick, before I was three. A year once my talent was found, Will was discovered to be the medical genius. But it wasn't focused on until we were in school. Will could only learn what was in books, no actual experience yet.

When I was eight, Will diagnosed me with what he called "mental instability", and a bunch of other things. Ironically, I wasn't paying attention. I was trying to memorize something or another.

Imagine how happy people were that their Crowned Prince, (aka next in line for the throne), wasn't in his right mind. Ever.

Just like with our father's diagnosis, it made much more sense. But now I'm annoyed because people treat me like a baby, like I'll break if they say something or interrupt me. They're so 'kind', and never themselves. I told them once, "'This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.'" It was from Shakespeare, and all they did was laugh with no real humor and walk away.

When we were eleven, Father adopted Octavian, who was twelve. Not the best decision.

By now, it should be pretty obvious that Apollo children are not normal.

Taking this into account, Octavian now thinks he can tell the future. Which is wrong, he can't tell the future of a fly three seconds from being hit by a fly swatter. I told him, "'Life is a walk to the edge of a cliff. Every day we get a step nearer and what lies over the brink, no one can tell.'" It was from someone named Deepak Chopra. Octavian wouldn't give up on it, and I think he's the crazy one, not me.

That pretty much sums up my life, and it's not as crazy as some other people's. Compared to them, I'm lucky. Or with them in the unlucky-ness.


Do I get extra sympathy points for having to put up with Ocavian?

Will gets them too, of course.

Does Will get even more because of both me and Octavian?!?!


He's a good brother.

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