The Army of Not Wannabehere's

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Malcolm POV:

To be honest, I myself had no idea why I agreed to do this. Mom seemed so determined to show that just because she wasn't a leader of a kingdom, that didn't mean she couldn't be involved in traditions like the other Kings and Queens. Multiple times, I tell her, the other kingdoms need her wisdom. Beg for it even, she is a necessity for peace. 

My thoughts weren't very helpful as I walked down the stairs. Despite everything, I was a little nervous. None of us boys were extremely good with girls, we were at different levels though. Pollux and Castor, Dionysus' twins, seemed to have a bunch of nervous energy. They weren't ones to be normal, but they were chatting louder than normal. 

We came down the steps to see the the doors where the girls were. 

This castle certainly isn't the biggest, almost more than half of the kingdoms' castles are bigger. The grounds are twice as big as the average grounds on one of those castles, and this castle is ideal because it means nobody can be alone. The space is perfect for a group to get together and for a challenge, sorry, competition, that requires friendship and love. 

We were prepped on a bunch of things, rooms, rules (yes!), and other than that we pretty much could do anything until we wanted the competition to end. Which was probably until all the couples got married. Yay, I thought sarcastically. 

The best part of that is we could leave whenever we wanted to after three months, just most of our parents blackmailed us to staying until the end. 

One of the preppings was about the girls. Actually, most of the preppings were about the girls. But there was something specific. On tradition, there are less girls than boys. That means that not every boy will go home with a wife or whatever. 

Mom said she just cared if I lasted a while. She doesn't really care about my love life, not that I have one. I don't really either, work takes up time that I don't have for a relationship. 

Annabeth told me, when she was really young, that there is time if I look for it. 

I don't know. 

I know that I don't have time to look for it. 

When I told her this, Annabeth looked at me exasperated. "You don't have to look for it, silly. It happens, it just works with that somebody."

I told her that wasn't how it works. She said the same to me before dropping the subject. 

All I have to do here is complete my work and participate in the activities that the Selection Committee have approved. 

I looked over the group, and for the most part I knew they were ready to enter the most traumatic event in their lives. Hopefully this was the most trauma. Leo joked about it a lot, and for the most part it was funny. 

I was worried about Luke though, for he wasn't joining in with the majority of the group in making jokes and laughing like he had been doing for the past day and a half. Instead he was in the back of the group, pretty much hidden. And frankly, much better than Nico, who was near the edge of the group with his hands in his pockets trying not to laugh. 

"Ready boys?"Percy boldly stated, standing with his hands outstretched in front of the door. 

Leo, the latino elf, grinned, "Come on, already. Besides I'm a man, not a boy!"

"Yeah, when I'm a princess." Frank muttered, causing Jason to double over in laughter. 

Nico sniggered, "Yeah, but are you gonna sing the song from Mulan?"

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