In the name of Lightning and Power, Who Blew up the TV?

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I basically dropped the letter package on my stepmother's bed and left before Jason could call for her. Meaning I left Jason behind. 

For some reason I think that Hera likes Jason better. Isn't that the steriotypical family thing? Youngest is the favorite? Anyway, Jason is willing to give evil people second chances, even fourth and fifth. I disagree. Hera is evil and mean and that is that. 

Yeah, so, maybe Dad cheated on her twice, but that wasn't my fault. 

After that, I wandered through the castle, avoiding my teacher so I wouldn't have to do work like Jason. 

Thankfully, this afternoon we didn't have to do a Report, because the Hermes kingdom will be selecting the Selected, meaning that I didn't have to get a lecture about wearing something nice on National television.  Apparently wearing black jeans and a plain black shirt isn't nice enough. No way am I wearing a dress. Or a skirt. 

I always teased Jason when we went on the Report because he had to wear a button-up shirt and I didn't have to wear a dress because nobody challenges me. Hera yells at me, and Dad gives me a disappointed look, but they don't force a dress on me. Hah. 

When the time came, the four of us filed into the gigantic room, really unnecessary to me. 

Helloooo Olympus!! Apollo's voice rang out through the screen. Today the entire Report for every kingdom will be about the Selection. It will be hosted by the Hermes Kingdom! It happens once half a century, so these are lucky people. 

"And I'm so lucky to have ended up in the range." I grumbled, Jason sighed. He didn't have a choice in this matter. All the male unmarried princes had to participate. Just like every girl that qualified had to enter. 

The ages range from fifteen to twenty-one. Athena has decided to put in her son, Malcolm Pace, in, even though she doesn't have a kingdom. That is allowed. 

The Princes are:

Octavian Octavian, Will Solace, and Lester Papadopoulos-Apollo from Apollo Kingdom, 

Jason Grace from Zeus Kingdom, 

Luke Castellan, Travis Stoll and Connor Stoll, and Chris Rodriguez all from Hermes Kingdom, 

Charles Beckendorf, Leo Valdez, and Harley Ash from the Hephaestus Kingdom, 

Nico DiAngelo from the Hades Kingdom,

Frank Zhang from the Ares Kingdom, 

Percy Jackson and Tyson Jackson from the Poseidon Kingdom,

and last but not least, from the Dionysus Kingdom, Pollux Dee and Castor Dee. 

Those are all of the Princes participating in the Selection. Now here are all of the Ladies that we are selecting. 

Apollo reached his hand into a jar and proceeded to pick names. 

Drew Tanaka, Aphrodite.

Katie Gardiner, Demeter.

Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, the Hunt.

Lacey Barrett from Aphrodite. 

Clarisse La Rue from Ares.

Thalia Grace from Zeus. 

At that point, I stopped listening to name after name. I uncrossed my legs and stood up. Apollo kept reading name after name, and it kind of sounded like he was chanting them. I gave Jason the 'I-told-you-so' look, and moved out of the room. I ignored the protests from my father and Hera. 

As I turned the corner, I heard a satisfying boom and smirked despite myself. 


About ten minutes after my amazing departure from the room, Jason came in. Of course, he never knocks. He seems like the type that does, but he doesn't. 

Jason had a deep look on his face. Like he doesn't know what to say or do. Like the point where you don't know if you're gonna laugh or cry. 

"Thalia?" Jason said, tapping his fingers against his chin. 

"Hmm?" I leaned against the wall, Jason was sitting on the edge of my bed. 

"Please tell me that wasn't you." He made eye contact, his bright blue eyes staring at me. 

I raised my eyebrows crossed my arms. "Does it matter?"

Jason stood up and pointed his finger at me. "It was. Thalia! You know you aren't suppose to blow things up!" Then he started laughing quietly, before bursting and rolling on the ground. 

"Jacey, baby?" I said leaning over him, "Get up off the ground."

He obeyed, but wiped the tears off his face. "Oh, gods Thalia. How did you do it?"

I lifted up my pants a little bit and revealed a small ankle device. "Voila. Electricity."

Jason touched it carefully. "Yep, your specialty. Did you put an explosive thingy in the TV?"

I shrugged. "I think it was some sort of circuit board. I planned to short-circuit the TV, or a small explosion. But hey, pieces everywhere works too. In fact, it might be better."

Jason shook his head. "How'd you know you would be in the selection?"

"Really?" I frowned. "I dunno, the fates don't like me. It's kinda easy after you know nothing would go the way you want or hope."

"What would the selection have to do with the fates? Unless there is a person..." Jason trailed off, inquiring very much, if I do say so myself. 

Jason didn't get an answer because I had already left. 


Hey guys. Thanks for reading. I had something planned, but now I wanna second-guess and not do something else with one of the people. Should I? And avoid mourning people? Or should I just go with what I originally planned even though it is pretty bad. Maybe I will....... :)

~Rocky :)

p.s. I learned how to do the fancy thingy before my name!!!(WOWOW you guys should be so impressed. Hehe. ;D )

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