The Fight That Ends All Fights (And Causes Questions to End All Questions)

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Piper POV

"Hey, Annabeth!" I waved to one of my friends, we were going to breakfast. Hazel, hearing my call, stopped and we moved to catch up to them. Calypso then emerged from her room and I grabbed her on the way. Surprised, she let me.

I hooked my arms through Calypso's and the other through Hazel's. Annabeth completed the line.

"So, girls," I grinned. "You all excited to meet our advisor dearests?"

Annabeth frowned. "I'm pretty sure that's not a word."

"Shhh." I said, "It's too early in the morning for grammar."

We reached the hallway where all of us were heading, because the Council gave us a schedule to follow. I stopped us, and watched the boys, who were ahead.

"There's our future spouses." I said proudly.

"Yup." Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Pick now and your life in torture will end sooner."

I raised my eyebrows, watching her break the chain and adjust her dress.

Hazel looked ahead and said firmly, "At least we are together, now we can make this the best and most fun time. Might as well not make this torture."

Annabeth grinned, "There's our Always Happy Hazel. What would we do without you?"

Hazel's face brightened.

"We got each other's backs." Calypso agreed.

"What about our outfits?!" Annabeth complained. "My dress is itchy, and suffocating me!"

I grinned, "I agree, girl. But I'm wearing my sneakers."

I pulled back my long dress to reveal dirty black converse.

Calypso shared a mischievous smile of her own. "I wore no shoes, I am not wearing heels ever."

"Same, sista!" Annabeth and I chorused, high-fiving.

"What about you and Annabeth, Hazel?"

Annabeth said, "Nothing about clothing or shoes, but I put my hair in a ponytail. Luckily the maid chose better shoes than heels."

Hazel shrugged, "I'm wearing boots, but it's not much."

"Girly," I said, "Any rebellion is a rebellion."

We all stopped to laugh at the others who were squirmy in their outfits.

Reyna brushed past us and walked into the dining hall.

"Hey!" Hazel called.

Reyna turned back.

"Where's Thalia? I noticed your rooms were next to each other."

Reyna kept a steely look in her eyes, her expression almost never changed in the moments we knew each other. "We have to meet our kingdom advisor today, or in most of our cases, our parents. I suppose you all know that, news gets around fast. Anyway, Thalia meets her dad before breakfast, as a couple others."

Hazel nodded and we all went into the dining room. It was pretty quiet, just a bit of pitter-patter.

I smothered a laugh by taking another bite of jam-on-toast when I noticed that most of our group was not eating as royalty should.

For example:

Percy and Leo were shoving eggs into their mouths,

Will was reading a medical textbook,

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