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The sun's rays bounced off the beaten Ninjago City.

Weeks had passed, and repairs are still being made from the recent attack of the OverLord and his crystal army.

While businesses slowly began to reopen, one in particular was in decline.

The Explorer's Club residence kept its doors closed with very little hope of reopening.

Thanks to the recent outbreak at Kryptarium Prison, several thieves ran rapid in the streets once again, and many of them snatched the priceless artifacts from the club in the middle of all the chaos.

Now with very little of a collection and money, the Explorer's Club was nearing the end of its days.

One member, though, presented an artifact that could change their fate.

"Gentlemen! I know we've been short on funding thanks to several of our donars getting angry over their stolen artifacts, but rest assured! I have the solution to change all that."

Clutch Powers stood in front of a small group of men in what appeared to be a lounge.

"Powers, we don't have time for your flamboyant tricks again. We need to work on collecting more artif-"

"Just trust me on this, behold!"

Clutch pulled out a golden teapot from behind his back. It glistened against the fluorescent light.

"The Teapot of Tyrahn! Legends say that a being with immense power was once trapped inside it."

Silence grew over the room. The three men stared at the rusting metal object with squinted gazes.

"The Teapot of Tyrahn? The so called prison of the infamous pirate genie?" the man sitting in the center asked. He pushed up his glasses and adjusted himself in his rather cushy chair.

"It's pirate Djinn, and yes! Captain Nadakhan and his crew were feared across the land and sea years ago. This will surely bring back our status with the people of the city... and bring me several millions of dollars for finding it, heh," Clutch muttered the last part to himself.

The three owners fell quiet again. One coughed to break the silence while another grabbed for a cup of tea, which rested on a little table next to his chair.

"What's with the silence? Come on! This artifact is legendary! I can fact check with Captain Soto himself on it being the real deal!" Clutch spat as he waved the teapot closer to the men.

"Right, like we're going to take the word of a criminal? Come on, Powers," one of them grumbled before drywashing his face.

The explorer in the center then sighed, running a hand through his thinning white hair.

"Clutch, that dusty old thing isn't going to amaze anyone."

"B-But legends say that a Djinn is trapped inside it! He can grant wishes and-"

"If the thing can grant wishes, then why haven't you used it for yourself?" another explorer asked with a raised brow. Clutch rubbed the back of his neck, glancing down at the teapot.

"Heh, uh I tried, gentlemen... but I can't seem to release him. No matter how many times I-"

"Then by all accounts, the legend was a myth, and this so called pirate genie was just a fantasy," the explorer to the left said while he set down his tea.

"We don't have time for this-"

"NO!" Clutch exclaimed before clearing his throat. "Gentlemen, please. Just take a look for yourselves."

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