Episode 4 Family Relations

559 14 15

Song Inspiration: Feel Invincible

Artist: Skillet


(Movie Pov)

Time: 8:03 PM

Location: Ninja Resistance's Base

Uneasiness began to consume Lloyd's body the longer he stared at the man before him.

"Garmadon..." he muttered. The rest of the ninja and Stellar followed his gaze and practically jumped out of their skin.

They hadn't heard much about this Garmadon, aside from a few battles Lloyd's counterpart described.

The Ninja had said that he died a long time ago saving Ninjago, so the team wasn't too frightened.

Yet, as the man came closer, Lloyd could see there was an underlying seriousness in his gaze that was often absent from his own father. He walked with hands behind his back with straight posture. The teen was not expecting any type of joke coming out of this Garmadon's mouth.

Wu and Misako turned at the sight of the red-eyed man and focused back on the teens.

"It's alright, he will not harm you," Wu reassured them, raising his hands up to calm the teens down.

"What is the meaning of this?" Garmadon snapped once he reached the group. He focused specifically on Lloyd with a tight glare, making the blonde shiver.

"These are the ninja's counterparts from another realm," Misako explained. She glanced to her right to find Jay clutching onto Nya's arm in a protective manner while Nya placed a hand on the blue ninja's clutched fist to keep herself calm. Kai, on the other hand, threw his hands up in front of both Cole and Zane as if to shield them from the possible threat.

"I see... I heard of a possible mirror realm from father, but I had thought he was just trying to tease us," Garmadon sighed, making Wu smirk.

"You never did understand father's jokes," Wu reminded, and his brother answered by shooting him a glare.

"You... You don't have four arms?" Zane asked with hesitant curiosity. He stepped forward a bit when Garmadon looked at him. Cole, though, held the android back by grabbing his shoulder.

"I use my powers to conceal my other arms... I figured two made me more approachable," Garmadon explained, moving his arms out from behind his back for emphasis.

"Y-Yeah... more approachable," Cole muttered as the whole team slowly dropped their tense demeanor and separated. Garmadon then glanced back at Lloyd with high suspicion.

"So, you are my son's counterpart? Aside from the facial features, you seem to be identical to him..." Garmadon muttered while he continued to stare at Lloyd.

The teen met his gaze, hesitantly crossing his arms before dropping them.

"Yeah, well, I uh... I think we're the most alike counterparts, personality-wise, but uh-"

"Hm, you're definitely more awkward than him..." Garmadon muttered with complete seriousness in his tone. Lloyd frowned at the man's words in disbelief while a few of his friends snickered.

"Seriously?" Lloyd spat. "You're judging me by one sentence?"

"You're louder too... and complain more," Garmadon added before turning to leave.

"You've got to be kidding me," Lloyd sighed before pinching the bridge of his nose.

He's more like my dad than I thought...

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