Episode 8 Time is Running Out

304 7 21

Song Inspiration: Bring On The Pirates (From "Ninjago")

Artist: The Fold


(Show POV)

Location: Ninja Resistance's Base

Time: 12:52 AM


Misako studied the scrolls before her. The wooden shack, or rather the makeshift prison, was barely wide enough to hold the table where the scholar kept her scattered parchments. A few feet away from her was a wall of metal bars. Her highness, Vania, resided on the other side, glaring the old woman down and gripping the bars with both her hands.

Misako, though, ignored her. In fact, she had tuned out nearly all of the insults thrown her way that came from the short queen's mouth. From all the stories she heard from Wu, the scholar was surprised at the young lady's foulness, but that only confirmed the suspicion that Damian had placed some kind of spell on her, one different from the memory alteration that affected all Ninjago.

"My men will come for me! Your little rebellion will not last, witch!" Vania shouted while yanking on the bars. The little prison might have been a pitiful sight, but the metal wall was still sturdy enough to keep the Shintaran trapped.

"I don't doubt that they will, your majesty... I just hope when they do, you will be free of this magic by then," Misako mumbled while turning over a few more scrolls. She gave a tired sigh, shifting her gaze to the ceiling for a moment.

The scholar had been at this for hours. She tried asking questions and even examined the young queen, spotting the swirling violet color that clouded her irises from time to time. It seemed the color grew more visible whenever Vania became more enraged.

Could it be something to do with the OverLord? No, no, that monster's power was never this subtle. His dark matter would have overtaken her whole body by now.

Skylor had even given Misako left over parchments from Clouse's studies in dark magic, but that type of magic always acted on the world around a person, never truly able to infect them from within.

This power that Damian had was subtle, only altering bits and pieces of Vania's personality to make it easier for her to bend to its will. It was like the power had a mind of its own. It carried many similarities to the OverLord, but unlike that egotistical beast, this one didn't seem to mind playing the long game, even relishing in manipulating its prey.

Misako glanced over at Vania. The once kind-hearted young lady now sneered at the scholar like she was lower than dirt. Yet, her tone, posture, and everything else that made Vania, well Vania, remained. Wu's heart had broken at the sight of the girl. He was already wounded from losing his students to Damian for so long. Seeing anyone else altered so drastically was too much for the old teacher to bear.

Misako gave a tired sigh, wishing her husband... her real husband was still here to help aid her in this interrogation. Instead, the Oni version of him was marching around outside, scanning the area for any possible enemies that he was way too eager to battle with.

After flipping through a few more scrolls, Misako tossed them back onto the table out of frustration. "I need some air..."

Before she reached the door, though, loud commotion echoed from outside. Misako stopped. Her hand had grasped the door handle when she heard her guards outside beginning to shout.

"Stay inside! There's an ambush! The Prime Guardians are here!" one of them spat to her, but his voice was barely audible over the screams and blasting of weapons from not far away.

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