Episode 1 Sign of Trouble

843 24 50

Song Inspiration: The Wicked Whip

Artist: The Fold


(Movie Pov)

Location: Down Town

Time: 3:45 PM

"It's gonna be a close one folks! Who will win the ultimate prize?"

Crowds of people erupted throughout the stadium. The annual motorcross race was underway. Out of all the drivers, only two were coming close to completing the final lap.

Engines roared and dust clouds filled the air.

Among the cheering audience was a large group from Ninjago High.

The cheerleaders shook their pompoms and began spelling out a name:

"N-Y-A! N-Y-A! Go Nya! Kick their butts! You got the stuff! Water Ninja got nothin' on these chumps!"

Just below them sat the famous team of ninja.

"Go sis! Kick their #$%!" Kai spat as he fist pumped the air.

"Language!" Lloyd yelled next to him, but he still smiled.

"I agree, kick their #$%!" Zane shouted with glee. Lloyd's face fell into his hands while the rest of his team laughed.

"That's definitely going on my blog, ha!" Jay replied as he held a phone, recording the race. He moved the device, so he could get his friends in the shot. He then felt a jab of an elbow. Jay turned to find Cole.

"Hey, you're missing the action," he said. Jay quickly turned back to the track to find Nya giving a wave towards the group while she raced past. Though her helmet concealed her face, there was an obvious smile behind it. The water master then shifted her attention back onto the track and sped faster.

"The final turn! Go Nya!" Jay gasped before jumping to his feet. He fumbled with his phone, trying to keep the picture in focus. The rest of the team stood up as well and cheered on.

Nya continued to increase speed. Her and one other biker were neck-and-neck. The finish line was in view. The water ninja gripped the handles on her bike until her knuckles turned white. Sweat dripped from her forehead as her wheels whirled through the dirt, inches just ahead of her opponent. A grin spread across her cheeks when-

Work harder, maggots!

The ninja froze. She blinked a few times, but she couldn't deny the images flashing before her.

The dirt road melted into concrete.

The chilling wind through her skin evaporated and was replaced with a rising heat that made her face sweat even more.

The whole stadium switched to a large room that was nearly pitch black, aside from the humongous fire of a forge.

An anvil rested before her with a metal piece, which was red hot at the tip.

Several other people stood around her with similar work stations. Each of them hammered away at their own metal.

Tall, plum-colored creatures walked around the workers with spears while wearing suited armor. Their glowing green gazes shifted between each of the stations with disgust.


Nya moved her focus off the scene around her and was alarmed to find one of the giants towering in front of her anvil.

Get back to work!

Nya gasped when the creature's face slammed in front of her's by mere inches. She halted her bike from the surprise, causing the wheels to skid across the ground.

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