Episode 6 Surviving on a Wish

480 13 52

Song Inspiration: Lily

Artist: Alan Walker

*Inspired by the "Ninjago Tribute~ "Lily" by Alan Walker" by The-Ninjago-Random on YouTube*


Lloyd's heart throbbed in his ears. He could only stare at the head guard.

Any sounds around him grew muffled as he panted on the ground, trying to catch his breath. His body shook the more he stared at the young man before him. He tried to speak, but the teen only continued to heave out deep breaths. All he managed to choke out was a name.

"C-Cole!?" he exclaimed. The head guard had shook off his dizziness before standing. The glow from his arms disappeared before he took notice. His gaze, though, still swirled with a bright purple hue. The more the color consumed his vision, the angrier the guard became. He picked up his spear and that emanated a pink glow. 

"I tried to go easy on you, but I guess we can do this the hard way," Cole muttered. Lloyd didn't even hear him. He was too stuck in his head. His counterpart's seemingly descent into villainy already made the teen's thoughts spiral, but this betrayal...

To witness one of the ninja actively helping the twisted man that once turned his father and several of his friends into fiery monsters:

There's no way... He can't seriously be the one leading this attack. C-Cole would never-

Lloyd's mind was about to snap.

A single whistle pulled the teen out of his panic state. The head guard let out a signal and one by one, more guards appeared from above and in every possible exit in the large alley.

Garmadon rose from the dirt and formed his daggers once more. He ensured his son's safety by standing in front of him. 

"You better be ready to fight, child," Garmadon muttered towards Lloyd, noticing his spacing out a moment ago.

Lloyd then gritted his teeth. He shifted his focus between the head guard and his followers. The teen had so many questions for his ninja friend. Questions that he knew would not be answered. If Cole was anything like his counterpart's current state, talking was out of the question for now. Reluctantly, Lloyd unsheathed his sword and narrowed his gaze. He inhaled just as the guards prepared to charge.


Lloyd whipped his head back towards the street, and his body tensed up. 

A ginormous four door truck sped into the alley, causing all the guards on the ground to scatter. The spray painted vehicle swerved to the right and sent the head guard flying into a pile of garbage.

Dust kicked up in the alley while the guards from above began firing lasers at the heavily armored truck. The window rolled down to reveal a young woman behind the wheel. Her dirty blonde hair was cut short with long bangs on the side of her face. Both Garmadon and Lloyd stared at her with pure bewilderment. 

"Need a ride?" the newcomer asked cooly.

"Who are you?" Lloyd asked.

"Blazey H. Speed, you fellas look like you could use some help-"

Just then, another figure popped their head into view from the backseat. Her bright green hair was tied up in a messy pony tail. 

"No time for introductions! GET IN IDIOTS!" she screamed over the loud laser blasts. 

Not having many other options, Garmadon picked up his son and headed for the car with Lloyd right behind him. The green ninja had stopped to pick up metal trash can lids and threw one over at Garmadon.
The two used the lids as cover until they reached the vehicle.

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