Episode 9 Shadows of the Past

408 11 27

Song Inspiration: Ship in a Bottle

Artist: Steffan Argus


(Show Pov)

Time: 1:59 AM

Location: Borg Tower


Zane has never considered himself a warrior. He was more of a scientist or inventor. At least, that was the kind of job he was given when Lord Damian found him one day in a small village.

He had sent him to Borg Tower, where Mr. Borg gave him the position of his assistant. During his time at Borg Tower, he had discovered his robotic past and most recently started acquiring an elemental power. Zane was content with this position he was given. He was helping many people by developing new technology and weapons to strengthen Damian's forces against the rebels. Along the way, though, Zane started to feel something was missing.

Maybe it had to do with the fuzzy glitches in his memory bank. Zane knew that when he gained this newer, more advanced body that some memories might not have been transferred over fully, but the assistant could not shake the feeling off that he was forgetting something important. That feeling only grew when he first spotted her...

Mr. Borg had once told Zane that his previous assistant had turned rogue and started working with the rebels to overthrow Damian. Zane never pushed to discuss more about this former assistant since the topic seemed to weigh on Borg deeply. About a month ago, though, Zane had met the former assistant. He spotted her sneaking into the tower after hours. She was a strange android, despite being very beautiful. While she was considered rogue, the former assistant insisted on not fighting. She merely wanted to talk to Mr. Borg, but of course, Zane had to refuse. The two had gotten into a quick scuffle over it, and it was clear to Zane that she was holding back.

Her bright green gaze, while ever alluring, looked deeply hurt whenever she looked at him. It was probably the reason Zane had let her go that day without informing Mr. Borg about the intrusion. Another reason might have been that Zane strangely felt a connection to this android. She felt like an important piece to this ever confusing puzzle that was his fractured memory bank. Events in his head were not adding up, and while he still did not trust this rogue android, he really needed answers.

"By authority of Lord Damian, I am placing you both under arrest," Zane said with a narrowed gaze.

Two young women stood in front of him. One of them was a teen with raven hair. She held herself up with a slight lean, which was definitely the result of all her injuries. The second was Borg's former assistant. Pixal was her name. She wore her armored suit that seemed to be inspired by samurai attire. She stood in front of the teen with a protective hand held out. Pixal glared down the ice master, but Zane could, once again, see the hurt in her eyes. He couldn't explain it, but the sight saddened him.

"Zane, please... We are here to take you and Mr. Borg with us. I know it may not seem like it, but Damian is a dangerous man. He must be stopped," Pixal said slowly, refusing to break eye contact with him.

Zane's brow furrowed. He watched the Samurai carefully while processing her statement with a bewildered look. This android truly was peculiar.

"Why? Lord Damian has done nothing but good for this city. By my records, he has saved Ninjago countless times and saved thousands of lives. What could he be doing that is so dangerous?" Zane argued while standing his ground.

Pixal narrowed her glowing gaze as if what he said was the most ridiculous claim ever. "Your records are wrong, Zane. Damian used magic to make you and everyone else believe that he is the hero you all perceive him to be."

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