Episode 5 Ninjago's Most Wanted

485 14 34

Song Inspiration: Drift Away (From: "Steven Universe: The Movie")

Artist: Sarah Stiles

Rock Cover: NatesWantsToBattle (On YouTube)


Location: The former Jade Palace

Time: 10:45 AM

The grand throne room was emptied per their lord's demands. Damian paced the floor while he inspected the book in his hands.

With everyone's minds altered towards his favor and the power he was given from the book, Damian managed to build himself an empire in just a few months. He has been able to place spells on the city's mayor and Police Commissioner to allow him into power without question. He even managed to submit the Shintaran Queen and Merlopian King to do his bidding thanks to the handy book, but there was still so much of the ancient text he had yet to explore.

He vaguely knew of its origin. A book that had somehow traveled between multiple realms and managed to cause chaos everywhere it went. Anyone who possessed the book gained tremendous power.

Damian just had to figure out how to unlock its full potential. He needed time to decipher the nearly unrecognizable language for almost every spell and figure out what they did, but he knew he didn't have the leisure to go spend all day at the library.

He needed to stop the forces threatening his rule, and there were too many players that were against him: the annoyingly powerful Green Ninja and his gang, the slowly growing resistance, and that sneaky djinn who was likely with his crew of pirates.

Damian had found that the only way to truly harm a djinn was Tiger Widow Venom, which he learned from the stories of Captain Soto in the Palace's library. Sadly, though, the last spider that produced the venom had died off a few years ago, leaving no trace of the deadly liquid from its bones. Since Traveler's Trees were a rarity in this realm, his only option now was searching through the book for a possible realm hopping spell that could take him somewhere else that carried the poison, but he was having little success.

The stress was eating away at the man. Damian flipped through the pages faster and faster while he quickened his pace around the throne room. He was deep in thought as he mumbled to himself with a twitching eye. He gritted his teeth the more he read.


Damian jumped. He whipped his head around to find his head guard standing by the cracked open door.

"I asked not to be disturbed!" Damian shouted before shoving the book behind his back.

"Sorry sir, but I just wanted to tell you that we have found a lead at locating Lloyd Garmadon's hideout. My troops are readying themselves now. Do you want us to engage?" the guard asked.

Damian paused. He pondered the situation before looking back at the head guard with a narrowed gaze.

He still wasn't sure yet how to take down that djinn, but he would have to worry about that later. He couldn't afford to let the resistance gain back their beloved Green Ninja.

"Yes, I want as many guards you can spare, and I'll be informing Queen Vania to bring her own guards to assist you as well."

The head guard stepped forward when Damian turned towards his throne, holding the book close to his chest.

"Is that really necessary, sir? I know that brat is powerful, but don't you think that is overkill-"

"Did I ask you for your opinion, or did I give you an order?" Damian whipped his head around and glared at the head guard. The book in his hands gave a soft violet glow. The same violet glow then suddenly flashed over the guard's eyes underneath his helmet and mask. The guard held his head for a moment, feeling light-headed. Suddenly, within a blink of an eye, Damian could have sworn he saw the head guard grow horns and claws. The creature stared at the lord with a wicked grin over his mask before Damian closed his eyes. When he opened them again, the head guard was back to normal.

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