days 17-20

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The water beneath the cliff had frozen again and it had become bone chillingly cold overnight. Paired with fierce winds we were unable to light a fire to keep warm. Parker's sponsors continued to send him food but Finnick and mags hadn't sent us anything. We ate the warm food and held the warm dish untill it had no more warmth to give. I spent most of the day moving around trying to stay warm. I didn't go searching for the tribute like Avon and Parker because if the temperatures dropped any more they would probably freeze under the shelter of all the trees.

Towards the middle of the day a pack of wolves emerged from the tree line. I watched them as they walked around. It seemed like normal wolf behavior but I needed to trust the process. A boy emerged from within the pack and pointed at me. He began leading the pack to me in a sprint and I armed myself. I held my trident in both hands as the boy pulled out a knife. It was a distraction and the wolves could to much worse damage than this little knife so I went for the wolf instead of deflecting the blade. Luckily my swift movement allowed me to avoid the blade. There were seven wolves not counting the one I just killed or the boy.

I swung my trident in a circle around my body taking out at least five of the wolves. The last two guarded the boy. I could throw my trident at the boy killing him but then I would lose my only weapon and I would get attacked by two wolves.  The only other option I could see was running so that's exactly what I did.

I stumbled and tripped over myself and fell. My trident fell out of my hands and rolled a few feet away leaving me completely defenseless. The wolves pounced on my back pinning me to the ground. The boy came over to face me and laid in front of me to have a quick chat before he took my life.

"No boyfriends to save you now." He said getting up in my face.

"I do the saving around here." I replied trying to wiggle my arms free from the wolves laying ontop of me.

The wolves weren't pinning my legs down so I moved them into a split position and pushed upwards with my arms that I managed to bend forwards. The wolves fell off my back and I ran forward to get my trident. The tribute was getting up when I stepped ontop of him and ran over his body.

I got my trident and this kid pulled an entire sword out of his pants. It was clearly a one handed weapon but he was using two hands so his swings were wildly inaccurate. I swiped most of his swings away but the fight wasn't going anywhere. His wolves had retreated.

As the fight progressed he realized his mistake and began using the sword with one hand. Now the fight was even. I was mostly defending because he had the superior weapon in this situation. I just had to wear him out.

It felt like we had been doing this all day when Avon and Parker came out of the woods and saw me fighting. I shouted at them to stay away and the boy I was fighting took this chance to land a large gash in my leg. I staggered but kept going.

I noticed that the sword was beginning to be to heavy for the boy so I took my first swing at the boy and chopped his arm off. His screams filled me with horror as I watched the color leave his body. His cold severed hand on the ground still holding the sword. I struck again with my trident and this time standing him in the chest. A cannon fired and I began sprinting towards Avon and Parker.

My mind was clouded as I ran to them. I couldn't see from the tears running down my face and I ran right past them and collapsed. Avon imedeately came to help me but when I finally sat up Avon and I noticed that Parker was acting different.

He was smiling as he adjusted his clothes and looked down at us. We quickly stood up as he pulled out a knife.

"We're in the final three and I know you won't kill eachother. I could just kill you now but that wouldn't be much of a show for the capitol. This whole things a game after all so why don't you go run off and hide and I'll hunt for you in the morning." Parker said.

CLIFF JUMPING  -   A Finnick Odair X Reader Story | 001Where stories live. Discover now