all the years go by

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I woke up in the hospital. I recognized the white walls of the capitol. I looked at my arm and it was just a little scar now. The door opened slowly and a nurse walked in. When I heard her speak my ears began ringing. She turned a bright light on right in my face causing me to squint at the blaring light waves.

The ringing subsidied and the light became less bright as I got used to it. The nurse helped me out of the bed and I stumbled to walk before the nurse helped me.

"How long?" I asked in a raspy voice that I hadn't used in forever.

"You arrived six months ago. We fixed your arm and held you under sedation for a few months." The nurse replied.

"I want to see the president." I said as my voice returned.

I sat back in the hospital bed returning to it's warmth. I waited for a while before the door opened again revealing the president.

"Why did you sedate me for six months?" I asked calmly as the president sat at the end of my bed.

"You keep getting hurt when we need you to be healthy. We figured it would be best if you were incapable of hurting yourself until the victory tour." He replied resting his hand on my leg comfortingly.

I didn't move my leg even though I wanted to. The president was trying to earn my trust which is a tool I could play with.

"I-im tired of fighting. I'll do what you want." I said helplessly as he continued to rub my leg. It was covered by the thin sheets but I could feel the dangerous energy radiating from him because I had the same energy radiating off of me.


It was another six months after the victory tour. I was mentoring the tributes this year alongside finnick. Our tributes this year were two thirteen year olds so I had no hope. President snow had asked me to fill appointments during the games so I was incredibly busy.

Finnick and I decided to become something more to eachother but it quickly fell apart and we were left just the same as before. Mags new we had never broken up, but to the rest of the capitol we had broken up tragically.

We did our best to be with eachother when we could but president snow was overloading us with work and responsibilities. We barely saw eachother anymore.

Johanna had been a really good friend to the both of us and since she had rough times at home she would often come to the capitol with us when we needed to go for work.

Nightmares had turned to dreams. I wished one day somebody would come and take me away and lock me up somewhere forever. I wasn't allowed to go anywhere outside in fear that I would hurt myself on accident but I craved the burning sensation of pain. It made me feel alive after being so dead on the inside after my time in the arena.


Finnick and I had grown a lot after five years. It was now the 72 hunger games. After my time as a model finished I was left to the position of Finnicks manager. It was a sick and twisted responsibility but I did what I was told. Finnick was getting served hundreds of secrets on a silver platter and I was recording them all.

I visited district 13 unbeknownst to everyone including finnick. I was aiding them with inside information regarding the capitols endeavors. A revolution was underway and president snow had no idea I was the cause.

The revolution had been under construction ever since I had discovered district 13 even existed still. I kept finnick completely in the dark and barely went home to district 4 anymore. I knew I was hurting him but it was for a good cause.

I made a deal with coin that as long as I didn't tell anyone about the revolution she would let me fight. Even after all these years I still craved war.

We were going to strike during the quarter quell in a few years to catch them off guard. I wasn't the only inside man either. We had Plutarch havensbee that we were going to get to be the head creator.

I knew Plutarch because he had become like a father to me ever since I moved to the capitol. He was well aware of the revolution so we had eachother to talk to about it.

One day Finnick walked in on us talking about district thirteen and he had to swear not to tell or he would have to die. He lucky agreed and we were back together again.

The revolution was fast approaching as we arrived at the quarter quell. We waited anxiously at home back in district 4.

"Our tributes this year will be selected from the existing pool of victors"

Well that clearly didn't go as planned. As I laid awake that night my only solution to this problem kept floating to the front of my mind.

"I have to go back."

CLIFF JUMPING  -   A Finnick Odair X Reader Story | 001Where stories live. Discover now