breaking the broken

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My eyes flickered open to see a menacing face hovering over mine. I tried to push it away as the face came into focus but my limbs were tied down with thick straps.

As my eyes came into greater focus I realized the man hover over me had a stark white beard and piercing eyes so sharp they could penetrate my soul.

I jerked my head forward and hit president snow in the nose. He backed away as I was relentlessly thrashing despite many peacekeepers holding me. I managed to get a knee lose and nocked one of them completely unconscious.

"Sedate her!" Snow shouted at the group of men holding me down.

"We can't she has the interview later!" Another man said clearly struggling.

This sent me in another spiral of thrashing. I didn't know why I was trying to fight. I didn't know where I was or what was going on or what I was even doing but I didn't stop and I wouldn't stop.

"Y/n Avon is still alive!" A guard tried.

"DON'T LIE TO ME!" I screamed.

I managed to loosen the straps around my wrists. I thrashed around as I got lose from each strap holding me down. President snow left the room and I quickly chased after him. The door slammed in my face but I busted the little glass window and crawled out. It was big enough for me to barely fit through so I made my escape. I was in a white shirt and white pants that matched the cold walls around me as I ran after president snow. My face was gaunt from not eating in what I thought was four days and the clothes that were in my usual size were hanging off my body like a hanger with plenty of extra room.

I started through the halls until a saw snow walking down one of them. I tiptoed down the hall and wrapped my arm around his neck. I kicked out his knee and the old man fell backwards.


Snows face was going purple when I was dragged off of him and pulled into a different room. I closed my eyes as I was dragged. I was eventually sat down in a chair. I sat there perfectly still. I felt like I was about to be put out of my misery but was shocked when I felt brushes over my face layering on pastes of all sorts. I left my eyes closed as I was undressed then redressed in a different piece of clothing.

I hadn't opened my eyes in hours. I just let the people work on me like I was a doll that they were dressing up for pictures. I let them poke and prod at me but I didn't move a muscle on my own. I listened carefully to their conversation. There was three people talking around me and what I thought was two others standing further away.

As I listened to the conversation happening around me they began talking about my many close calls with the animals in the arena. I snapped at the words they spoke so carlessly around me. I stood up and threw my chair at one of the stylists. She fell over like a bowling pin and I spun around looking for my next victim. Everyone backed away and a peacekeeper fixed my chair and sat me back down. I went back to my unmoving state and let them continue to poke and prod at my face.

My mind went to Avon as I sat like a Statue. My mind kept telling me he was still alive but I knew it was only in my heart and mind. I thought of how soft his skin was despite how dry the environment made our skin from lack of hydration. I remember how I treated him at first and how much I truly cared about him right from the start though I didn't believe it at first. Avon had become my brother and it hurt me so much that I couldn't be with him anymore. My heart ached so much that I just wanted to die. Here and now.

I was stood up now and the people had stopped poking at me. I just hoped someone would come and kill me until I heard someone speak. The voice was one I knew all to well.

"Y/n?" Finnick asked.

I opened my eyes and turned to face the person who spoke. As soon as I saw who it was I ran at him.

"Finnick I want to die. It should have been Avon. He should have stabbed me instead." I said sobbing into his shoulder.

"Don't let snow win." Finnick said.

I pulled away as to not ruin any of my makeup but when I looked in the mirror the only thing ruined was my sanity.

"Why did you kiss him?" Finnick asked and I turned back to him.

"Kiss who?"

"Avon, why did you kiss Avon." He asked again.

"Finnick, Avon is like a brother to me. I kissed him so that president snow wouldn't bother us anymore." I said to him as I inched closer to him.

"Did you ever think to consider that I'm in love with you. Did you ever think to consider that I would be hurt by this." He spat at me.

"Finnick our feelings don't matter anymore! We are just tools for the capitol now! It doesn't matter how we feel anymore I'm just trying to save your family because I couldn't save mine!" I shouted at him.

"Y/n it's to late. They killed all of them." Finnick said as tears brimmed in his eyes.

My knees buckled and I screamed again.

"EVERYTHING WAS FOR NOTHING! SOMEONE JUST KILL ME! Please." The please came out as a whisper compared to the rest of my scream.

"We're on in ten is she ready?" A producer asked.

"She will be."

CLIFF JUMPING  -   A Finnick Odair X Reader Story | 001Where stories live. Discover now