the last blow

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(Credit to my bestie Payton who helped me make many decisions to come.)
⚠️Gore warning⚠️

I was sitting beside avons dead body when a shadow came over me. I looked up and saw a hover craft. I stroked avons cold cheek one last time as a tear rolled down my face then I stood up and used my last pickaxe to hang the rope so I could slide down. I searched through Avons coat and found a few knives. I fixed his hair and rested his hands over his stomach to cover the stab wound. He looked peaceful when I took my final look at him. I began sliding down the mountain and the claw came down over Avon picking him up and taking him into the hovercraft. I quickly wiped a tear from my eye as I slid down a little more.

As I inched down the rope I felt it slip as I was hanging. I quickly gripped onto the side of the mountain. I tugged the rope to see if it was still secure. As I tugged the pickaxe fell past me and slipped out of my hand. I only had about 30 feet left to climb down but it was still scary. I took a pause to map out the way I would get down. I looked forward at the mountain right in my face just in time to get a face full of bats. I nearly fell backwards as the bats began nibbling on my bare skin. I swatted at them for a few minutes with my free hand. The bites were small and weren't breaking my skin but it was deeply uncomfortable and they were obscuring my vision. I looked up and saw a parachute. I held my hand out and felt a bottle fall into it. I brought it to my face and read a note taped to it. It said repellent so without a second I began spraying it all over and the bats sizzled and flew away from my face and hands.

I shook the bottle and tried to spray it in the hole but it was empty. I threw the bottle behind me and began climbing down once again. I looked up and another bat came out of the cave. It was fallowed by three more large bats and they flew down to me. I know hardly anything about bats but I don't think they actually rip your flesh. These bats must have been mutts because they looked almost the same just larger and more rabid. I climbed down the mountain as fast as I could and my feet touched the ground in no time. I took a knife and swatted the bats away killing them.

"If you weren't so rabid you might actually be cute." I said as I flung one of the less rabid, dead, bats off my jacket.

I felt my face and it had little scratches all over it. A piece of my ear lobe was missing but that was the least of my worries. If I got out of here alive the capitol would fix it.

An announcement came over the arena from the gamemaker. "Explosions will begin detonating across the arena in 5 minutes if you are unable to find your fellow tribute. May the odds be ever in your favor."

I took no time at all to begin running through the scorched forest. I could see the tundra through the trees now. I heard a shout to my left and began running in that direction only to run through a bush of thorns. My hands began bleeding and I could feel drops of blood run down my face.

"That worked too well!" Parker shouted as he came into my view. I noticed as I tried to catch him that he was hobbling on one leg.

"Not gonna get to far on that ankle are you now Parker!" I taunted as I jogged behind him. "I'll wait to kill you till you have a fighting chance."

"Then let's even out the playing field." He said as he took a sword and slashed at my leg. I staggered as the old wound from the previous sword fight I was involved in, reopened.

I staggered but the adrenaline in my veins pulsated as I kicked Parker in the face. I kicked him so hard I heard a crunch beneath my foot. He fell backwards and spit out a few teeth. I froze in place momentarily before I sprinted for my life. I was moving so fast that the bare trees around me had become nothing but a blur. I could here Parker trying to keep up with me but I was gaining speed.

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