Chapter one

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Dream was sitting in his gaming chair. He watched his daughter play with one of her dolls.

He thought about his friends.

Mainly Sapnap and George. They were moving in soon. He knows that George's visa is now approved and that Sapnap was coming to Orlando first.

He knows he has to tell them.

He's scared to though, why?

This is a big secret to keep from your best friends. He would get why they would stop being his friends if he told them that he has a daughter and hasn't told them about it for two years.

He decided that he's gonna tell Sapnap today. He thought about it for awhile.

Boy was he nervous.

Dream clicks on discord and goes to sapnaps user. He hovers over the call button.

He thinks about how he will tell him, how he will react. He stayed in that screen for what felt like forever.

Finnaly, he clicks on the call button.

He waits anxiously listening to the discord call sound go off and it feels like it's taunting him. Then it stops and it shows Sapnap has joined the call.

"Hey man." Sapnap says.

Dream takes a deep breath and greets him back lowly.

"I have to tell you something sap." Dream spoke a bit louder. Sapnap raised an eyebrow "Whats up?"

Dream pauses and thinks.

Sapnap waits patiently.

Dream speaks up once he was ready. "I'm have a daughter, sap." When Dream doesn't get a response he grew nervous.


"I have a daughter, she's two years old in fact." Dream says, he puts his hand out for his daughter to grab and he feels her little hands in his, it calmed him down.

"Wait what, a daughter Dream?" Sapnap says and speaks up again, "Two years old?"

"Yes" he stuttered a little.

Sapnap doesn't talk. He sits back in his chair and takes in the information that Dream had told him.

He thought, a daughter?

He couldn't help but feel hurt that his best friend has kept this from him for two years.

And he didn't even notice.

"You are just telling me this now?" Sapnap says.

But Sapnap wasn't mad at Dream though, not at all. He just wants to understand.

"I'm sorry" Dream whispers.

"Where is the mother?" Sapnap asked.

"She... she left after the birth, she gave me her and she just left." Dream sighs.

Sapnap felt his heart ache a little, he felt bad for his best friend. He realized that Dream had to go through this on his own.

"Jesus Dream, I can't believe you had to go through that alone." Sapnap speaks up again, "You know that I would be there in a heartbeat to help you."

"Thanks sap, But my parents actually helped me out." Dream says sofly. Without his parents he would be a mess right now.

"Can I.. can I see her?" Sapnap asked quietly. Dream only smiled.

"Of course you can, facetime?"

"Yeah." Sapnap sounded nervous. Dream sounded nervous as well.

He sees that Sapnap has turned his camera on, He was smiling.

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