Chapter nine

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Warning! There will be smut in this chapter.


Sapnap was back at home now. He didn't know anything, all he knew was that Dream went to spend some nights at his mom's. He didn't know why though.

He had a pretty good guess of what happened though.

He's not that dumb.

He has been texting Dream to come back home because he can't stand being alone with George, that made him laugh a bit.

He understood though, being alone with George made him want to kiss hm again, do anything to him.

Sapnap tried to get answers out of the both of them but neither of them admitted.

Dream told him he would talk to him later because he had to wash the dishes from dinner.

"I could have done that." His father came up to him. "Do you want want to?" Dream asked.

"No." His dad chuckled.

"Then don't say that." He smiled at him.

The dad only rolled his eyes and smiled back. He sat down at the table. "Where's mom?"

"She's with Hannah, trying to put her to bed." His dad told him. "Tell her I said thank you, please." Dream said.

His dad nodded.

"This is the longest she's been away from home." Dream said softly.

"Take her home then."

"I can't."

"How come?" His dad was genuinely curious. He hadn't told anyone really want happened besides Drista.

Dream was silent.

"I uh- I messed up, dad." He continued "Wih George."

His father hummed.

"You know, whenever me and your mother get into a fight about something stupid I've done I just talk to her about it. I tell her that she was right, they love to hear that."

"This is different, dad."

"Then just talk to him about what happened." He told him. "I'm scared."

"Don't be scared, a talk can fix many problems if you say the right things and listen."

"Sometimes having space is the worst." His dad told him.

"But it's not me who needs space, it's George."

"I think he has had enough space." He was honest.

"You're right." Dream nodded.

"I know I am." He chuckled. Dream rolled his eyes. "And annoying."

His dad placed a hand over his own chest and acted offended.

"I'm sure that your friend George misses you though." He continued, "He probably wants you home."

Dream agreed silently. He knows.

"Go home, Clay."

Dream put all the plates away nicely. "Thanks dad."

"For what?" He asked.

"For the talk." He faced him. "You don't have to thank me."

"I'm gonna get Hannah, then I'll be out of here."

"Finnaly." His dad joked. Dream scoffed and went up to his room. He saw that Hannah was asleep.

He picked her up and left the house.

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