Chapter seven

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The days went on slowly, but Hannah had gotten better. He listened to the directions that his mom gave him.

It finally worked.

She was no longer warm, she stopped acting fussy all the time. They could finnaly sleep at night again.

He watched as George walked into his room and sat on his bed.

"Hey, good morning." George mumbled a little, he probably just woke up. His hair was a mess, sticking up in places.


"Morning George." He put his phone down. "My mom is gonna take Hannah today and have her stay the night."

"Oh okay."

His mom wanted to take Hannah off of hands, give him time to just hang out with his friends.

"Wanna help me get her ready?" Dream asked shyly. George smiled, "Of course."

They got up and Dream opened Hannah's closet and George looked through it.

He watched as George smiled and grabbed a bear onesie. He faced Dream and showed him "How about this? I think it's cute."

"That's perfect." He changed her into the bear onesie and she giggled.

He brushed her hair out, he decided to leave her hair down.

George put her hood up and it covered up almost her whole face, "So cute." He heard George say.

"Yeah." He nodded.

He heard the door open from downstairs. He knew it had to be his mother sense she had a key to his house.

"My mom is here." He picked up Hannah and they went downstairs.

"Hey mom, thanks for taking her." Dream thanked her.

"Of course, no need to thank me." His mom told him. "Two nights you said?"

"If that's ok, we all missed her."

"Of course, sorry I didn't have her stay the night I just wanted to make sure she got better." He apologized. His mom only shook her head, "You apologize to much."

Dream chuckled, "I know."

He looked at Hannah, "Behave for your grandma."

"I love you, I'll miss you." He kissed her forehead and she kissed his cheek. He handed her to his mother.

"Bye honey, bye mom." He waved them goodbye, they waved back and left the house.

Sapnap came downstairs, the two of them look at him.

"Hey guys." Sapnap spoke up.

They greeted him back.

"Me and Karl were talking, I'm gonna go to Norh Carolina to see him." Sapnap tells them.

"You're leaving? When?" Dream asked and Sapnap chuckled, "You don't have to dad me." He teased.

Dream rolled his eyed, "I was just asking."

"I'm gonna leave today, I'm driving." Sapnap said. Dream gave him a look as he grabbed an apple, "That's a long drive Sapnap."

"I'll be okay Dream, I'll text you if anything happens."

Dream took a bite of his apple, "You better." Dream said. "What time are you gonna go?"

"I'm thinking of going now so I don't get there to late." Sapnap had his suitcase with him, he was only gonna stay there for about a week.

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