Chapter six

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George had been here for a week now. They were all happy, Dream couldn't wish for anything more.

His best friends were here at home. They loved his daughter, well he assumed. Sometimes he still thinks if George is only putting up an act. But he knew that George wasn't like that, he was more of a straight forward kind of guy.

Dream tried to ignore those thoughts and thing of how happy George looked to be here.

He would watch as George smiled at the littlest thing, he laughed at almost anything.

The days that George was there they played with neftguns, went in the pool, went shopping. They did tons of stuff and had the time of their lifes.

They were all in the kitchen. Sapnap had made breakfast and feed everyone.

Dream was feeding Hannah her food slowly, she didn't seem to want anything though.  She always wants breakfast.

Her attitude this morning was terrible, she put her hands in Dreams face to leave her alone and let her sleep. She cried and whined. Dream thought it was normal though.

Dream stared at his daughter.

Her cheeks are red.

Dream placed the fork down and put his hand on her forehead.

She's warm.

Dreams heartbeat had got more faster.  Is she sick? Hannah didn't really get sick.

"You okay?" George asked him, he noticed Dreams face.

"Does Hannah feel warm to you?" He replied. He saw the confused look in his face and continued talking, "I think she's getting sick."

George put his hand on her forehead, "Yeah, she feels kinda warm."

"Shit." Dream said.

"Do you have any medicine?" George asked. "I don't know, I haven't used any in awhile." He replied.

"I'll look." He watched as George went upstairs.

Dream pulled out his phone and called his mom.

She will know what to do.

He waited till his mom answered. "Hi hun." He heard his mother say in a sweet tone.

"Mom I think Hannah is sick- I don't know what to do-" he panicked.

"Sick? What do you think she has?" His mother asked.

"I think a cold, I don't know though." Dream tells her, he felt her neck and her cheek, warm.

"Do you have any children's tylenol?"

Dream called out George's name and he came downstairs holding different types of medicine and placed it on the counter. Dream saw that there was children's tylenol and grabbed it. "Yeah I do."

"Give her some." Dream listened to his mother and took it out of the packaging. He stared at the medicine and the measuring cup that came with it. He didn't know how much to put.

George grabbed the medicine and measuring cup and poured the right amount into it.

Dream was surprised.

"Thank you." He stuttered a little as George handed it to him.

"You're gonna have to drink this baby." He told his daughter and she only shook her head. She thought it looked disgusting.

"Please." He begged her. She didn't open her mouth.

"It taste like strawberries, it's really good." George lied to her. She believed what George had told her and opened her mouth. Dream poured it in her mouth and she drank it.

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