Chapter ten

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Final Chapter!!!! :D


Dream made breakfast for everyone even though him and George were the only ones awake.

Him and George ate in silence while their hands were interwined with eachother.

Sapnap came downstairs and they quickly pulled their hands apart. They didn't know what they were so they weren't gonna tell Sapnap anything.

They all looked at eachother.

Sapnap only smirked at them.

"What?" Dream asked. Sapnap only walked over to the kitchen and sat down with his plate of food. He ignored him.

"Wow okay." Dream rolled his eyes.

"So, how was your night back here?" Sapnap asked, he knew. He obviously woke up to the bed creaking and the loud moans that came from Dreams room.

Dreams breath hitched, "it was- it was great."

"Yeah I bet." Sapnap said. Dream was confused. "What do you mean you bet?"

"It just sounded like it was great, you know." Sapnap teased. Dream and George looked at eachother, both of their faces were heating up.

"I heard all of it." Sapnap laughed at their faces.

"It's not funny!" George told him, Cleary flustered that Sapnap had heard them have sex last night.

"That wasn't us." George said a terrible lie. "You blushing is telling me otherwise." Sapnap teased.

George covered his face with his hands.

"I should go get Hannah." Dream got up quickly, also clearly flustered. He wanted to get out of the conversion as fast as possible.

Later on that day, George had went into Dreams room.

It was around night time.

Everyone should be going to bed.

"Can I lay with you?" George asked softly. Dream nodded, "Of course you can."

Dream scoot over on the bed to make room for George.

George laid in the bed with him and they immediately went into eachothers arms.

They fell asleep together, again, in eachother arms.

The next week, they were definitely more comfortable to be holding eachother, touching eachother and more.

George was on Dreams lap while he was loading up minecraft on his computer. Dreams hand rubbed onto George's back.

He relaxed.

Dream loved when George touched him. The simplest touch from George made him weak.

He was so in love with George.

Dream thought back to a conversation him and Sapnap had in the kitchen not to long ago.

"Are you okay?" Sapnap asked Dream, he hadn't been answering him because he zoned out about 3 times during their conversation, he was thinking of George.

Dream knew he could be honest with Sapnap.

"No, not really." He admited.

"How come?" Sapnap sat down next to him.

"I think I'm in love with George." He replied lowly, but Sapnap heard him. "Can I be honest with you?"

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