Chapter eight

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Its been around three days since what happened in Dreams bed that night.

They hardly talked.

They would say a few words to eachother about what they wanted for dinner, but that was all.

They would still smile to eachother though, he wondered his it was forced or not.

He wished he can go back to the night that it happened. Talk to him about it, maybe not even do it.

Sapnap wasn't home, he wished he was to break the awkward tension. He wondered if Sapnap and George had talked.

He wanted to talk to George.

But he had to wait till Hannah falls asleep. He had her laying next to him, he rubbed her back gently while he hummed a song to her.

He heard soft snores come out of her. She was asleep.

He stand up and picked her up gently not not wake her up. He laid her down in her crib.

"I love you." He whispered while he put the blanket on her. He left the room and went to George's door. He took a deep breath before he knocked.

He heard some shuffling in the room before the door opened.

They looked at eachother.

He looked tired, he felt bad for probably interrupting him sleep. It was 12 at night, this would be a bad time.

George stepped back for Dream walk in. He walked in and closed the door behind him.

"Hey- it's uh been awhile." Dream spoke up.

"Yeah, I know." He stuttered.

"You know?" He asked. George nodded. Dream felt his chest tighten.

"So you been ignoring me then?" Dream swallowed hard.

George stayed silent.

"George I don't want what happened to get between us." He told him, they both seemed hurt.

"You're right, I'm sorry."

Dream just sighed, "I just want to know why you been ignoring me? I mean- you haven't looked at me once, George." He sounded hurt.

George looked into his eyes, he watched as George fidgeted with his hands.

He watched as George's eyes got glossy.

Oh god.

Then George let it out, he started to cry. He wanted to hug George and tell him it's ok, but he didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

George tried to speak but he couldn't understand what he was saying over the crying.

It killed him to see George like this, George usually kept his emotions in. He wasn't use to this.

He got up and hugged him anyways. He felt George hug him back and buried his face in his shirt. "George is this about Hannah?"

He nodded.

"What about her, George?" He asked. He rubbed his back to calm him down a little.

"Why didn't you tell me Dream." He sobbed. "I- I don't understand." He stuttered.

"I'm trying to understand, but I cant." He croaked. He was desperate for answers.

Dream understood though. He's not mad at George saying such a thing. Dream tried to think of what to say but nursing came to mind.

"Jesus Dream, answer me!" He was angry now.

Dream never really seen George like this, it was new to him.

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