Chapter five

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Before I start this chapter I want to say that im gonna do the dteam meetup different them how they actually did!

Ok now you can read :)


Dream and George have been calling more. George was moving in soon.

What soon meant was that he was coming tommrow. Dream felt prepared now. Still nervous, but also prepared.

"Dream, I think the house is pretty clean." Sapnap told him, he doesn't listen.

Ok maybe he's a little stressed out for George to come.

"No! Hannah's toys are everywhere, the kitchen is a mess-" Sapnap cut him off and grabbed his shoulders.

"Dream I got it." He said.

Dream didn't want to argue, so he didn't. He only nodded.

"I should give Hannah a bath." Dream said, he placed the cleaning supplies down.

"Yeah, you go do that." Sapnap agreed.

Dream went upstairs and walked into Hannah's room, she was asleep. He went to his daughter and picked her up. She whined.

"Yeah I know, you're tired." Dream said. She definitely wasn't a morning person. She would be fussy and give him an attitude, Dream hated that. But he understands that. He was also like that some days.

"I can't let you sleep in or you would be up all night." Dream qtold her as if she cared.

She only whined again in response.

"It's time for a bath." He gathered her clothes and went to the bathroom.

He made the water warm, she was very picky about how she likes her baths.

Once the water was half way through the tub he stopped it. He undressed her and placed her in the water. She enjoyed bath time usually.

He cleaned her and washed her hair.

He dressed her and took her downstairs. He saw that Sapnap was awake and in the kitchen. He had made breakfast.

"Thank you, you didn't have to though." Dream told him and placed Hannah in a seat.

"I don't mind, I had nothing else to do." Sapnap replied. Dream hummed in response.

They ate in comfortable silence.

"Whats the plan for when George comes?" Sapnap asked, he grabbed the plates and washed them. Dream shrugged.

"Have fun?" He chuckled a little. He didn't really have a plan for when he came.

Sapnap nodded. "Just get him settled in, maybe watch some movies." Dream said.

"That's incredibly boring." Sapnap let out a soft laughs and Dream rolled his eyes playfully. "Well do you got anything better to do?" Dream asked.

"In fact, I do." Sapnap said.

"Yeah? What is it then."

"We buy some nerfguns and shoot eachother." Sapnap chuckled.

"I should of expected that." Dream shook his head and continued, "But sure, go to the store and buy some."

Sapnap does that. He left and went to the store.

Dream heard his phone dinged and looked at it, it was a message from George.

Plane is here.

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