Chapter four

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So Dream did.

Dream told him everything that he had wanted to say.

"Hannah's mother and I knew eachother through friends. We were at a bowling alley with with our friends and then she went home with me. We had sex, a week later she told me that she was pregnant."

Dream sighed before he continued on.

"She said she wanted to be a parent with me, raise Hannah with me, but when she gave birth she left me with Hannah." Dream tells him.

"She just.. left?" George asked.

Dream humed as a yes. "I'm so sorry Dream." George said in a comforting tone. It made Dream feel better.

Dream remembered that day clearly. The way he felt, he felt so weak and lost, He had no idea how he would be able to do it alone. He was thankful that his mother helped him throughout all of it.

After Hannah's mother left he called his mom as soon as he got home. He had a breakdown over the phone with her.

"I can't do this alone, I need you" He sobbed.

Dream remembered he said that to his mother. He didn't know what he would be without her.

"Then I think about what would happen if people found out that I had a child. They would use her, follow her-" Dream paused. "I don't want that for her George."

"I know." George whispered softly.

Dream is scared.

"I just want Hannah to have a normal childhood." Dream said.

"She will Dream, she's gonna gave the best life because of you."

Dream cracked a smile. "You think so?" He asked. "I know it, Dream."

"Okay, your turn." Dream said.

"About the way I reacted.. it was wrong. I feel terrible about acting that way, I should've supported you."

"George, you don't have to be sorry."

"Yes I do."

Dream knew that George wanted to say more, so he stayed quiet.

"Dream- if I were to tell you that I had a kid and kept it from you for two years how would you feel?" George asked.

Dream thought for a moment, Hurt.

"I would feel hurt." Dream replied. "Would you hate me?" George asked.

"Of course not, I would understand." Dream told him.

"George where are you going with this?" Dream chuckled. He heard George laugh a little, George was bad at explaining things.

This wasnt his best example.

"Im putting you in my shoes, just listen okay?" George smiled.

"Okay." Dream let him continue.

"I told you that I have a kid out of nowhere, isn't that a lot to put on you?" George asked.

Dream was silent, George continued.

"You would be confused, wouldn't you? Your best friend kept a big secret from you for two years and you don't know why, Doesn't that make you hurt?"

It does hurt, George.

"You're making me feel like shit, George." Dream joked a little. George cracked a smile from his comment.

"But yes, that's how I would feel." Dream admited.

"Do you understand what I'm saying now?" George asked. "I do."

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