Chapter two

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Once Dream got up he immediately goes to Hannah's room.

He saw that she was awake and just was walking around. He smiles, He was thankful that his daughter wasn't hard to take care of.

Well sometimes.

"Goodmorning." He went over to her and picked her up, giving her a kiss on her cheek. "Breakfast?" Dream askes.

"Breakfast!" She said more enthusiastic, that's she normally how she is. Especially in the morning somehow.

He headed downstairs and started to make her favorite, French toast.

He put syrup and some powered sugar on top of it.

He only made one for her and one for him. She never finishes her full breakfast so they always would share it.

They sat down and ate peacefully. Hannah would put her fork to his mouth and tell him to eat it.

Dream always smiled. Hannah always lits up his mood.

Dream thinks about George.

He wants to tell George. Sapnap made him feel better about telling George.

Dream thinks about telling George tonight. He doesn't want to keep this a secret from him anymore. He wants him to know the truth.

"You remember Sapnap right?" Dream asked suddenly and she nods.

"You're gonna love him, you will love George too."

"Who's George?" She asked. Dream holds one of her hands. He didnt know how to describe George.

"He's my other good friend." He chuckles silently.

She simply nods.

Dream looks at her and notices how much syrup she'd gotten on herself. "Jesus Hannah how did you manage to do this?", He grabbed a paper towel and wet it and rubs it on her face where the syrup was at.

She whines from his roughness and he did it gentle.

"Your still sticky, bath time?" He askes.

"Bath time." With that Dream picked his child up and brought her up to the bathroom.

He turned the water on and made it warm, just the way she likes it.

He gave Hannah a bath.

He wrapped the towel around her and changes her.

Once it was night for Dream and he had put Hannah to sleep he pulled out his phone and texted George.

Hey are you busy?

He waits for text back and surprisingly George texted back quickly.

Hi :] Nah I just got home, why?

I was wondering if you wanna call?

Yeah sure, give me a second.

Dream was nervous.

He sat on his bed and his legs bounced up and down. He waited for George's call.

His phone lit up with the name "George" on it.

He breathed in before picking up the call.

"Hello?" He heard the brunette speak.

"Hey George." His voice was shaky, he didn't mean it to be. George heard it but he decided to not say anything about it.

George bagan to speak again, but Dream didn't listen. He was his own world right now imagining what George would say.

He's hoped that George wouldn't be mad at him.

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