Chapter three

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About a week passed, he still got no contact with George.

Of course he knew George needed time, but this long? He wanted to talk to him but he also wants to give him time to take in this information.

After that call with George he called Sapnap the next day. He whined to Sapnap telling him that George hated him.

The call

"Sapnap he is not gonna move in with us anymore!" He was pacing around his room on the phone with Sapnap.

"He will want to move in Dream, you need to calm down." Sapnap tried to reassure him.

"He laughed, he thinks this is some joke." Dream was completely stressed.

"George doesn't this it's a joke, he is just trying to understand." Dream wanted to believe what Sapnap was saying. He hoped that he was right.

Later on that call, Sapnap suggested to come earlier than when he was supposed too. He tried to be a supportive friend, And Dream appreciated it, although he tried to convince him not to at first. Sapnap decided to drive to Orlando.

Dream didn't want Hannah to be there when Sapnap came. It's not that he didn't want them to meet he just wants Sapnap to meet her when he's ready too. He didn't want to pressure it on him. He figured it would help Sapnap settle in.

So here he is now, on his knees to talk to Hannah.

"Your gonna stay with Grandma and Grandpa for a day or two okay?" He packed up a few more things for her to spend the night.

"Okay." Hannah enjoyed to stay at Grandma's. She enjoyed when Drista would play with her hair.

"Did you get her doll?" Dream asked as he looked around.

"You got everything, stop worrying she will be fine with us." Dreams mom said.

Dream didn't like when Hannah was always from him. He needed her, he would be devastated if anything ever happened to her and he wasn't there to help her. He knows he could trust his family with her, he just worried if Hannah would do anything.

"Promise to tell me anything happens?" Dream looked at his mom and she nodded. "Of course."

"Okay give me a kiss before you leave." Dream kissed at the top of her head and she kissed his cheek. Dreams mother took her to the car and put her in.

The mom got in the car and pulled out of the garage. Hannah waved goodbye to Dream as the car drove off.

Dream headed back inside and sat in the couch.

What now?

Dream waited for Sapnap to come. He checked his phone constantly for any text from Sapnap, he said that he would be there the afternoon.

He decided he could clean up the place in the mean time. It did need to get cleaned after all. He found a lot of things in his closet that brought back alot of memories, it made him smile.

He took a shower after cleaning. He checks his phone and it was now 2PM.

This wasn't their first time meeting eachother. Last time Sapnap came was for a visit, now he came to stay with him, live with him.

When Dreams phone dinged he looked at it immediately.

I'm here :D

The text was from Sapnap.

Dream went outside, he saw Sapnap getting out the car and smiled.

They hugged eachother.

"I'm glad you're here." Dream tells him. "Me too." Sapnap whispered.

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