|| Chapter 1: the priss ||

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|| A/N: yes, this is agnst 🤭 also please comment your opinions!!!!!!!! And last but not least, before you come at me. I have stage one autism. (Firmly known as Asperger's) and text to speech is ofc still available ❤️||

|| ⚠️ TW: autism overload / panic attack, slight slurs⚠️ ||

|| Robin's POV: ||
|| I dashed through the door into the almost completely quiet classroom. ||

|| Everybody's heads turning to mine. "Sorry I'm late mr. Wilson. It won't happen again." I stated politely even though everyone in the whole room knew that the exact same thing would happen next week. ||

|| "Just take a Seat and be quiet mrs. Buckley." Mr. Wilson muttered. "Yes mr." I sighed, looking out over the class for an empty seat. I spotted one seat. Next to Nancy Wheeler. Great. ||

|| I sat down next to the priss, started bouncing my leg immediately. "Would you please stop that? I'm trying to concentrate." Nancy said with an angry and annoyed tone. "Jeez okay" I muttered trying to stop, but ones that leg started bouncing, it wasn't planning on stop doing so. ||

|| I sighed, I even put my hand on my thigh in hope for the bouncing to stop. It didn't. " I told you to fucking stop. Are you that dense seriously??" Nancy almost spat at me. "I can't fucking stop it. I'm not doing it on purpose you Priss." I almost screamed back at her. ||

|| Nancy was now standing by her seat, staring down at me in disgust. "DONT YOU CALL ME A PRISS. YOU DONT EVEN KNOW WHO I AM." Mr. Wilson was looking at us surprised and extremely mad. "YOU TWO. GET BACK INTO YOUR SEATS AND BE QUIET." ||

|| I just scoffed and stood up. "Well you are a Priss. YOU GET EVERYTHING YOU WANT SERVED TO YOU ON A SILVER PLATE. SO IM SORRY IF I'M NOT AS PERFECT AS YOU AND CANT SIT STILL." Nancy lost it, she pushed me down on the floor, and started reaching down to punch me. But mr. Wilson stopped her. ||

|| "PRINCIPALS OFFICE BOTH OF YOU. RIGHT NOW." Nancy sighed and rolled her eyes "great thank you Robin." "The fuck did I do?" I hissed back. ||


|| "You just need to get to know each other. She's not that Priss everyone says she is." Steve stated. I got dismissed from school for the rest of the week because of mine and Nancy's "fight", so I went to family video to take an extra shift, I could use the money anyways. ||

|| Me and Steve where just stocking up tapes, and having a chitchat. "Look, I know you're her friend and shit. But she's mean. I didn't even fucking do anything." I said sadly. Steve stopped what he was doing, walked up to me and placed his hand over my shoulder and then looked at me for consent. I got warm, and grew a big smile on my face. "Yes, thank you Steve for asking me first." ||

|| Steve put his hand on my shoulder and said with a soft voice, "look, I know it's hard and you're so different but you don't have to be friends. Just please don't murder each other. I care for both of you so much Robin." ||

|| I just felt a single tear falling from my face, not a sad tear, but at the same time it wasn't intentionally a happy tear. I pulled Steve into a gentle hug. "I'll try dingus" "thank you robs" he answered while scruffing up my hair. ||


|| An hour or so passed, Steve had left me alone in the store since his shift had ended. I didn't mind being alone, well I usually didn't, but today was different, I felt my shirt and vest really tight to my chest, causing my breathing to fasten. ||

|| It was still 20 minutes left of my shift, so I decided to just sit down for a moment. My breathing became heavier and heavier as the seconds went by. At this point I was really overwhelmed about everything around me. ||

|| I started sobbing quietly when the bell from the door rang in my ears. In the doorframe stood Nancy. I didn't care to even look up. The light was making my whole head spin. At this point I couldn't even breath. ||


|| Nancy POV: ||
|| After a lot of contemplating on doing this, I finally went inside of family video. The quietness of the store rushed over me as I felt a shiver down my back.  What if something happened? ||

|| However, the quietness soon disappeared as I heard sniffles and sobbing coming from behind the counter. ||

|| I quickly rushed behind the counter to see a helpless Robin sitting with her head between her knees shaking, and barely breathing. "Hey, what happened?" I slowly say, Robin then looks up at me with her bloodshot eyes, and tears all over her cheeks "hey, Robin shhhh. Listen to me. It's alright. You're safe. I'm here. Is it okay if I sit next to you?" ||


|| All Robin can manage to get out was a slight nod, barely even visible, but I immediately sat next to Robin. "Is it okay if I put my hands here, I mean I know we're not on the best terms at the moment but I think you really need a hand right now." ||

|| Robin just nodded, and without even thinking she had fallen into my arms. The second Robin did so, I hugged her, and started rubbing big circles along her back. Robin was shaking uncontrollably "I-I- I'm so-sorr-y for sh-shak-shaking I kn-know y-you get a-annoyed" Robin managed to get out between sobs. ||

|| "Shhh, Robin it's okay. It's alright." I sat up holding the poor broken girls shoulders, looking deeply into her bloodshot yet beautiful blue eyes. "I need you to breath for me, okay? Can you that? Here, follow my breathing." ||

|| I say as gently as possible, I then take robins hand and place it lightly on my stomach, I then grab Robin in for a hug in the same position we where in earlier. "Just follow my breathing. It's gonna be alright Robin. Okay?" "Okay." ||


|| Robin POV: ||
|| After 15 minutes had pasted, and I had calmed down, I was just now realizing. "Why do you care? Why are you comforting me? Why where you nice? Why didn't you hurt me?" ||

|| I rambled on and on. "Hey Robin. I might not like you. But I definitely don't want you to sit here all alone dying. I just came in here to grab a movie. And I'm happy I did." Nancy now had a slight smile on her face. Meanwhile my face just being full of confusion. ||

|| "Alright what movie did you need?" I said quickly as I stood up and brushed of my pants.
"Oh yeah.. me and Mike are watching a horror movie tonight, and he just told me to pick one, so you got any suggestions?" ||

|| I went to the horror section, Nancy following me behind. "This is one I'd recommend." I held up a movie with the title "HALLOWEEN" Nancy grabs it gently. "Thank you I'll get this one!" Nancy fakes a smile. And I could totally tell. I sighed and rolled my eyes. ||

|| When Nancy had payed for the VHS and went outside, I sighed deeply. How does Steve expect me to befriend her? Gosh I hate that Priss. I thought to myself while closing up the shop. ||

|| I arrived at my bicycle with so much stress and anxiety, knowing that my mother would be either high or drunk when I arrive home. I sighed and hopped onto my bike and started pumping the pedals as fast as I could. ||


|| A/N: so this is the first chapter ig, uhm idk if I'm gonna do so much on this, so I would really like creds since it's my first story yk :) ||
|| 1309 words ||

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