|| chapter 13 || birthday ||

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|| A/N: this was an idea I got help with from robinbuckley_marryme again, as I didn't know what to make the next chapter about. I'm so grateful for you! Your my fav mutual, i don't think I would've made this book without you ❤️ and ofc text to speech is available ||


|| Nancy POV: ||
|| Robins birthday was in 4 days. And I haven't even gotten a gift yet. I was currently sitting on Steve's couch, about to burst out in panic. ||


|| "woah woah woah, it's 8 in the morning, on a Saturday. Clam down Nancy." Steve comforted me, he now sat besides me on the couch having his arm around my neck, while rubbing soothing circles on my back with the other. ||

|| "Didn't you write a letter? When you where going to confess? Have you given that to her yet?" I gasped at the idea. "NO I HAVENT. OH MY GOD STEVE YOUR THE BEST OF THE BESTEST. I CAN GIVE IT TO HER." I squealed, then I reached up and kissed Steve on the cheek. Nothing romantic intended at all!!! ||

|| "thank you Steve. Seriously thank you." He was just about to say something like 'your welcome' when he was interrupted by the stairs creaking. I then heard a familiar voice. ||

|| "gosh my ass hurts like shit Harrington. It's shocking you haven't done that before gosh." I immediately froze. ||

|| As Eddie got to the living room he also froze. ||

|| all three of us where frozen. Steve red as a tomato. ||

|| I decided to finally break the silence. "Well, I guess I know that now. Uhm hey Eds. Rough night huh?" I smirked. "E-eh yeah. Steve Harrington here.." he want and sat down next to Steve, where I had just sat and patted Steve on his shoulder, before continuing, " decided to do it with me. 4 times. Oh and if you're confused Nancy. We're dating. ||

|| I laughed. "Yeah I got that part Eddie." I sat down next to Steve on the other side of him. "I'm totally fine with this guys. Just so you're aware, I don't know why I wouldn't be, since I have a girlfriend myself. But it's completely cool!" ||

|| After a While I was in my car. On my way to the starcourt mall. ||


|| When I arrived, I stepped out of the car, locked it and went inside the mall. I went to the jewelry shop without hesitation. ||

|| I got in and bought the gift. I then decided to also get a small goodie bag of stuff I knew Robin liked. I walked into scoop's ahoy, and bought a 'free ice cream' coupon. I went into the party shop, got some balloons, confetti, and a gift bag. I made sure that I didn't get any confetti that would make a big sound, as I knew Robin was sensitive to those sounds. ||

|| After buying some more things I got back into the car. It was now 11:30 AM. I started the car and drove off to melvald's. ||

|| arriving at melvald's, I walked into the door, the bell ringing. "Hello Nancy. Long time no see! What brings you here today?" Joyce smiled at me. ||

|| Joyce was like my second mother. She was always there for me. When I didn't have anyone to talk to really, I used to go to Joyce when my parents had arguments. But now that I had Robin, and dad had left, I hadn't seen Joyce in maybe two months. ||

|| I wrapped her in a hug. "Yeah! It's been a while." "How come? Parents stopped fighting?" I sighed. "Not exactly. Dad left. After I told them something." I think Joyce saw the nervousness in my eyes. She took my hands. "Nancy. It's okay. You can tell me anything." ||

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