|| chapter 7: Carnival ||

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|| A/N: yeah, I get like writers block as soon as I finish a chapter haha. But creds to robinbuckley_marryme with help for this chapter <3 ur my fav mutual 😘 ||
|| ⚠️ TW: homophobic slurs ⚠️ ||


|| Nancy POV: ||
|| Robin and I where in my room watching a movie. I suddenly remembered what Mike had been talking to me about. "Hey Robin, there's this carnival coming to Hawkins this weekend, wanna go?" Robin sat up immediately. "NAN I WOULD FUCKING LOVE TOO!!!" Robin was jumping up and down. ||

|| "You're so cute when you get excited and do happy stims robs." I blurted out immediately regretting that I said anything. "I'm sorry, i didn't mean it. Sorry I made you uncomfortable. Or, well I did mean it. It I didn't mean to just say it out loud. Sorry." I almost cried. "Woah Nan. It's okay. Thank you. Also. Now you where the one that rambled." Robin stated proudly. ||

|| I stood up. "Oh shut your mouth you little shit." "Make me." All I did was put my hand on robins mouth. The two of us immediately shared eye contact. Both our stomachs filling up with butterflies. The moment didn't last long however. Both of us got nervous and pulled away. ||

|| at the carnival ||

|| Robin POV: ||
|| "woah, it's so- so many p-people nance." I started trembling. "Woah. It's okay robs. Come here." Nancy wrapped me up in a hug. "So, how about we keep real close to each other , and I'll do the talking? Also I got these, they're some sort of noise canceling earphones." ||

|| Nancy put them on my head. I immediately calmed down. Having the noise getting lower. "Thank you nance. They work." "Awesome, now let's go." They both walk into the carnival. "Ten tickets please." Nancy asked politely and the ticket booth. "Here you go. Have a fun night m'ladies." The ticket booth man smiled. ||

|| "Can we do that one first please?" I pointed at a game where you popped balloons with darts. "Of course robs. Let's go!" ||

|| They both went over and Nancy asked "could we have six darts please?" They where handed the darts. I shot first. I popped 2 blue balloons. The man in the booth yelled. "Three more blue balloons and you've won the big price!!" ||

|| I pepped Nancy. "You can do it Nan. And it's okay if you don't. However I need to use the bathroom, I'll be back. You can start shooting!" "Okay robs! Be safe!" I sprinted towards the toilets. ||


|| Nancy POV: ||
|| "Okay robs! Be safe!" I told Robin. When I turned back to the balloon popping booth, I was stunned at what I saw. A massive stuffed elephant plush. I need to win that for robin. I thought. I knew that robins favorite animal was elephant. She could talk about those massive things for hours on end. I looked at the little tag under it. It was a blue balloon. ||

|| Awesome. I just need to pop three blue balloons. I have three tries. Don't fuck this up Nancy. I shot the first dart. *POP* "two more blue balloons!" yes yes yes. Okay. You can do it. *POP* "one more for the grand prize!" *POP* "THATS FIVE BLUE BALLOONS! what prize would you like? You can choose between all on the upper row" YES YES YES. FUCK YES. ||

|| "I would like the massive stuffed elephant thank you!" I got it. ||

|| Robin came running from the toilets. I quickly put the stuffed animal behind my back. "So how did you do nan? Did you win anything? It's okay if you didn't!!" All I did was pull the elephant from behind my back. "YOU DID NOT? OMG ITS SO CUTE I LOVE IT. ITS A ELEPHANT OMG I LOVE ELEPHANTS!" Robin hugged me so tight. "I know. That's why I got it. All for you robs." ||

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