|| chapter 11: rain ||

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|| A/N: hello my little gay people. Can you please please pleaseeee write what you think about this fanfic here? Like seriously please. and text to speech is ofc still available ❤️ ||


|| Robin POV: ||
"I'm sorry Nancy but I just do." I had just confessed my feelings to Nancy wheeler. She was still sitting in front of me, crying lightly. ||

|| "you know what? Forget about it. Forget about this whole thing. It was nice knowing you Nancy." I said before running downstairs and out of the house. ||

|| the rain was pouring down like buckets, but I just kept running. I wasn't intentionally running anywhere. I just wanted to get away. And never come back. ||


|| Nancy POV: ||
|| when I heard the from door slam I came back to reality. Fuck. Robin had confessed to me, and all I did was cry. And now she had left. Shitshitshitshit. ||

|| I ran downstairs and out of the house. Then I started running down the street, in hopes of catching up with Robin. ||

|| because I love her. Just as much as she just confessed she loved me. And I had just blew it. I had to find her. ||


|| After Running for at least 20 minutes, I finally saw Robin. She was sitting against skull rock. Crying her eyes out. ||

|| I approached her. "Hey Robin. Why'd you run?" I said while sitting down next to her. ||


|| Robin POV: ||
|| hearing Nancy's voice i jumped up. I was relieved though. Then I just started talking. Talking in the way only I can do. ||

|| "well because I just fucking confessed my love for you. And- and all you did was cry. And I'm used to fucking shit up so I just ran. And you still sat there. I fucked up. And when I fuck up my brain just instantly tells me to run. Run away from my problems, and in this case you where my problem. Because I love you. I fucking love you Nancy. And I know you don't love me. But I can't keep this inside of me any longer. I am sorry. It was nice knowing you Nancy wheeler." ||

|| I started walking away. But I was instantly stopped by a hand on my shoulder. Nancy turned me around so I faced her. Her face was full off tears and mascara stains. ||


|| Nancy POV: ||
|| here goes absolutely fucking nothing. " Robin. I love you too. I was going to tell you. I wrote a fucking letter. I love you Robin. I do." ||

|| Robin froze at my words. "Yo-you love-love me? Me? Wh-why do you love me? How?" I sighed. Gosh Robin could be oblivious sometimes. ||

|| "why do I love you? Sweetheart there's a lot of reasons. I love you because you can bring me out of my sadness and make me the happiest girl in the world with just a fucking smile. I love you because you make me want to be a better person. I love you because of how you make me feel like I'm home. But I love the small things too. Like the way my hand fits perfectly in yours. Like two pieces of a puzzle." I grabbed robins hand and then continued. ||

|| "how sweet and raspy your voice is. How soft those lips are. And honestly, I'm in love with you because I notice small things about you. I notice all the freckles in your face. How pretty the colors of your eyes are. How amazing your smile is. Also, when I'm able to make you nervous and flustered. When I make you laugh I feel so accomplished because I know that I'm the reason you smiled. I just love you. Okay? I love you Robin Buckley." I took my free hand and tucked a piece of hair that had fallen into robins face behind her ear. ||


|| Robin POV: ||
|| I was in shock. I was confused, but happy of course. "B-but, what-what about that other- what about that other girl? The one you talked to me ab-about?" My heart burned by the mention of the other girl. ||

|| All Nancy did was giggle. Why is she giggling, is she serious? Have I managed to mess up again. Awesome Robin. Why are you even trying at this point? ||

|| I think Nancy saw my concerned and sad look, she stopped giggling, and took my other hand in her hand. We where now holding both of eachother a hands. ||

|| "Robin. You are "the other girl". You're the one I've been talking about this whole time. It's you. It's always been you." ||


|| Nancy POV: ||
|| Robin was in shock. But when she had calmed down, I put one hand on her hip, and one holding her cheek. I slightly rubbed my thumb over her jawline. Then I moved my thumb to her lips. Slightly rubbing her lower lip. ||

|| Then I did it. I pulled in. Our lips met. And it was everything I've been dreaming about. And more. ||

|| Robins soft lips touched mine. Her hands on my cheeks. We both smiled into the kiss. ||

|| we both pulled out of the kiss. Our foreheads resting against each others. "I love you Nancy." Robin whispered. All I did was pull the girl in for another kiss. ||

|| I pulled my head back just an inch. Whispering. "I love you more." Robin now responded. "Impossible." I pulled her in for another kiss. One of her hands now moved into my hair. Gosh that was hot. ||


|| Robin POV: ||
|| Me and Nancy where now dating. holy fucking shit. I'm dating Nancy wheeler. Thee Nancy Wheeler. I'm so lucky. ||

|| we where watching a movie, when suddenly Nancy spoke up. "You're so beautiful you know that right?" I smiled. "Why thank you. I think you look quite fine yourself." Nancy pushed me to the side lightly "oh shut up." "Make me." ||

|| Nancy pushed her lips onto mine. The kissing quickly got heated. Nancy was now on top of me. Her tongue nudged my lower lip asking for entrance. I quickly gave it to her. ||

|| while her tongue was exploring every inch of my mouth, my hands got up into Nancy's hair, grabbing it. ||

|| After a while it was my turn to explore her mouth. I didn't even have to ask for entrance. My tongue just slid right in as soon as our lips touched again. It was the best feeling. ||

|| After a while Nancy took over the dominance again. She started kissing down my jawline. Saying sweet sentences between the kisses. When she reached my neck all I could do was throw my head back giving her more space. ||

|| but as she got lower I flinched. ||


|| Nancy POV: ||
|| as robin flinched I instantly looked up at her and started massaging her hair. "Sweetheart, I would never do anything without consent. It's okay honey." Robin sighed, almost crying. "I'm sorry. I love the kissing. It's just. I don't think I'm ready for anything more than making out. Yet. Not since the whole Vickie thing. I'm sorry to disappoint. Seriously sorry Nan." ||

|| I grabbed robins hand. "Woah, Robin. It is okay. I completely understand you're not ready. I won't do anything until your ready. Not without your consent. We'll just take it slow. Okay?" Robin nodded. "Now please make out with me. Because that was awesome." ||

|| I got back on top of robin and kissed her. Shortly after I got back onto her neck. ||


|| A/N: OMG YES IT HAPPENED!! THE STORY ISNT OVER THOUGH!!! I LOVE THIS CHAPTER ONGOMGOMOGMGO don't forget to drink and eat because food is fuel and you deserve it ❤️ ||
|| 1262 words ||

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