|| chapter 6: sleepover || 2 ||

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|| A/N: I kinda have a writers block again 😭 and text to speech is ofc still available ❤️ ||

|| ⚠️ TW: mention of eating disorder⚠️ ||


|| Nancy POV: ||
|| Robin. I immediately checked over the edge of my bed to see Robin sitting up. Shaking really bad. Barely breathing. She was almost completely white in her face from the shock, and probably also from the lack of oxygen. ||

|| I didn't hesitate to run to her, and quickly put my arms around the shaking girl. Robin screamed at the contact. "Shhhh. Robin it's me. It's Nancy. I'm here." I started rocking robin back and forth. When Robin realized I was there. Next to her, she sighed and started sobbing. ||

|| "I'm sorry. You where dead. It was so real. It felt so real. And I- I couldn't save you. I- i just stood there. I'm sorry. Nancy I'm sorry." Robin let out in one breath. "Shh. It was a dream. I'm here. And I'm alive, I'm not going anywhere robs. Come here." I grabbed the trembling girl up to the proper bed. ||

|| I placed down robin next to me. "It's okay. Robin. It was a nightmare, I'm here. I'm alive and I'm okay. It's alright. Here." I placed robins still trembling hand on my chest. "See, feel that? Its my heartbeat. As long as you feel that. You know I'm safe. Got it? Come here." I wrapped robin into a hug. "Thank you Nan." ||

|| the morning ||

|| Robin POV: ||
|| I woke up and immediately started to panic. I couldn't feel Nancy's heartbeat. Moments later I heard pans clattering downstairs. I sighed in relief, and went downstairs. ||

|| Nancy was making scrambled eggs. "Oh good morning sleepyhead" Nancy blurted out when she saw me in the door frame. "Morning. Also, you don't need to make me any eggs, I'm not that hungry to be honest." ||


|| Nancy POV: ||
|| "about that Robin. We need to talk, come here." I said with a low voice while sitting down at the table. Robin confused, sat down on the opposite from her. "What I-is it? Nancy i-im getting worried." I sighed and put her hand on the table. Signaling Robin to take it. Robin did. ||

|| "Look Robin, nothing is wrong. Or, well it is. But its nothing you don't know about. Okay?" Robin started to slightly understand what I was talking about. "Okay.." I sighed before starting to talk again. "Robin. I've realized you don't eat much. Some times I see you going days without eating. And that's dangerous robs. I care about you." ||

|| Robin started crying. When she did so, I went out of her chair, and over to robins. "Come here" I grabbed robins arm, and went to our couch, where I sat down while wrapping my arm around robins shoulders. "Nan, I'm sorry." Robin stuttered. "It is okay. Just let it all out. I'm here. I'm gonna listen to you. Alright?" Robin just nodded. ||


|| Robin POV: ||
"Well, I've never really been a fan of food. Many foods feels weird in my mouth, like the texture. And then there was my mom and dad, who always said I needed to loose weight. And then everyone in school. People called me pig and stuff. So then I just stopped eating. I didn't eat for weeks. And when I finally did. I just went and threw it all up. And then it just stuck around. Since my mom never stopped telling me how fat I was, and how I needed to check the scale everyday, she gave me a limit, and if I weighed more than that, she would kick me out. And I just want to be pretty Nancy. I just want to look normal." ||

|| Nancy was now hugging robin completely. "You know what? Robin. Your mom is not in your life anymore. She left you. And robs. Your gorgeous okay? Like so pretty. Like when I look at you I just think wow. Hey, you know what? That stupid "limit" your mom gave you. How about that's your goal? Not for this week? Not for this year? Not even for the next 20 years. Can you just do me a favor? That some time in your life. That will be really long and happy. That you reach that goal. It can happen in 60 years. As long as it does okay? Will you promise me that?" ||

|| I grabbed Nancy even tighter. "I promise. Now I'm wondering though. Is all that you said true? About me being pretty, and you thinking wow?" Nancy sighed. Released me from the hug. ||

|| "yes. Robin. It is. You're so fucking gorgeous." I sighed. "Thank you Nan." ||


|| Nancy POV: ||
|| "hey, could you maybe tell me something that you'd never really had a problem with eating? And then maybe we could go have one of those, as a start? How does that sound?" I questioned the sore girl. "Sure. Uhm,, I've always been able to eat apples. Especially apple slices with cinnamon on them." I stood up. "Alright. Apple pieces with cinnamon it is." I marched to the kitchen. ||

|| 10 minutes later. ||

|| "order up!" I placed the bowl with the cinnamon coated apples on the table in front of Robin. Robin immediately getting nervous of the amount in the bowl. I noticed in no time. "Hey, those are for me too. Don't worry. I won't force it." ||

|| Robin sighed, "can we watch the breakfast club? It's a big comfort movie for me." Robin rambled. "Sure robs." I tiptoed to the tv, finding the VHS, putting it in, tiptoeing back to robin, putting the tv on play. "Thank you Nancy. I mean seriously. I don't think anyone has ever been this nice to me. Especially someone who knows I'm gay." ||

|| I just really think I should tell her. Maybe not that I like her, but at least that I like girls too. Because I do that? Right? I thought to myself before speaking up. ||

|| "hey, Robin. About that, of course I wouldn't judge you for being gay. Actually I think I'm gay. Or not gay. I don't know it's just all so confusing. Because I've liked guys. I have. But now I like this girl. And I don't know if it's something wrong with me? Because I like both. Robin I'm just so confused." I was now the one needing comfort. ||


|| Robin POV: ||
|| " Nancy, there's more than straight, gay and lesbian. There's bisexuality too, and as you're describing it. That's what I'd say you are. You're bisexual. It's when you like both girls and guys. It's normal. Or as normal as not straight can get." I grinned. Making Nancy blush. "But. Tell me about this girl" ||

|| "she's just so gorgeous. And she's so fun. And different, but at the same time proud of being different. She's so passionate about the things she loves you know." I was getting kinda sad. She wanted to be the person Nancy was talking about like that. ||


|| third person POV: ||
|| Robin was the person Nancy was talking about like that. Nancy was in love with Robin. Not anyone else. Robin. ||


|| A/N: so I kinda just want them to kiss already yk 😭, but I'm making you guys wait bc I'm evil. Also, don't forget to drink and eat because food is fuel and you deserve it. ❤️ ||
|| 1214 words ||

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