|| Chapter 10: 60 seconds ||

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|| A/N: im sorry for pushing this forward and not posting. I honestly don't know what to write now. How to write a confession. I haven't done this before. But I'm gonna try my best. and text to speech is ofc still available ❤️ ||

|| Robin POV: ||
|| I woke up by the phone ringing. I got up, rubbed myself in the eye, while yawning and waking over to the phone. I picked it up. ||

|| "Yes this is Robin. You've reached the *yawn* Harringtons" Robin yawned. "Hey Robs! It's Nancy." ||

|| I got butterflies. But I was mad at the same time. For her just pushing me out yesterday. "Oh hey Nancy." ||


|| Nancy POV: ||
|| Robin never Called me Nancy anymore. It was always Nan or nance. This made me worried. I could sense something was off. I mean, I did technically push her out of the house yesterday. That's probably why she's mad. ||

|| "hey you are right robs?" I was scared. "Well. You tell me? Nancy. You kicked me out yesterday. Saying you needing to think. Just like that. Out of nowhere. You know how hard it is for me to change plans. So yeah, no I'm not really sure I'm alright Nancy." ||

|| hearing those words from Robin I almost started crying. "I know. And im sorry. I just- I needed to think. Wich I've done. And now I want to be with you. Im sorry. Will you please come over? I'll pick you up robs." I prayed for her to say yes. ||

|| "Fine. Nance. I guess I'll come over. Honk when you're here." Nancy was relived hearing the nickname again. "Sure thing robs. Be there in about 20 minutes." We hung up. ||


|| Robin POV: ||
|| I sat down at my bed again. Zoning out. Then I realized. Nancy will be here in 15 minutes. AND I JUST WOKE UP. SHIT SHIT SHIT. ||

|| I started running around. Taking a shower was way off the table. I just put on newly washed clothes and a lot of deodorant. I than sprayed Nancy's perfume on me without thinking. ||

|| when I smelled it I realized. SHIT NANCY WILL NOTICE. FUCK. I didn't have time to shower. So I'll simply just embarrass myself per usual. Awesome. Good job Robin. Good job. ||

|| I heard honking from outside. I went downstairs ||

|| "Who are you seeing robs?" Steve asked while I was walking to the door. He was sitting in the couch eating cereal. "Oh just Nancy!" I smiled. "Well. Please be safe robs!" I nodded, smiled and closed the door behind me. I walked to Nancy's car. ||


|| Nancy POV: ||
|| As Robin walked into the car I smelled a breeze of perfume. Robin doesn't usually wear perfume. Strange. The even stranger part was that it smelled like.. me. ||

|| "Hey robs! Where you wanna go?" I asked while starting the car. "Just to your house nance." Robin smiled. Gosh if my mouth was open I'd be throwing up butterflies from how many there were in my stomach as she smiled at me. "Awesome. Also, I think your new perfume you have is the same one I have." I grinned still kind of confused. "Oh, yeah, well- well it's-its yours. Or, or it's your old one. I- I got- Steve- he -he gave me it. I'm sorry- I-I'll take a shower when we get to your place" Robin was almost crying. ||

|| I pulled over at a empty parking lot. "Woah. Woah. Robin. Calm down, it is okay. It's just sweet. You don't have to wash it of Robin. It is okay." I said as reassuring as possible. "I wonder though, why?" I was still confused to why she was smelling like me. "Oh- y-yeah. I-I like- I like how- how you smell. It's weird I know- know but it's just. It's just you saved me. You know? You did. And- and when I was lying there. In the woods. And-and you grabbed me. I smelled this. And I just instantly knew. I'm safe. Nancy is here. And- and then you weren't with me this morning. And I feel lonely when I'm not with you- you so then I spray the perfume. And it smells like your here. I'm sorry Nance." ||

|| tears where streaming down both of our faces. But mostly mine. "Robin. Why are you saying sorry. It is okay. It is so sweet actually. And I'm happy I'm such a comfort to you. And you're such a comfort for me. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me." I pulled robin in for a hug tightly. Then we took of to my house. ||

|| 2 hours later ||

|| Robin POV: ||
|| me and Nancy where watching a movie. Or, the movie was on in the background. The only thing my attention was at, was Nancy. Gosh she's beautiful. Fuck it. I'm gonna do it. I can't fucking stand this bullshit anymore. And if she says no. I can deal with it. I've dealt with heartbreak before. I'm just gonna do it. Oh my god I'm gonna regret this. ||

|| I pressed pause on the tv remote. Sat up. And looked at Nancy. "Hey, so I need to tell you something." Nancy sat up. "I kinda need to tell you something too. You go first though. ||

|| "Nancy. I love how you hold me. I love how you tell me I'm beautiful. I love how you find it funny when I say something stupid or just can't speak when I'm around you. I love how you make me so happy. I love how you smile when I see you. I love how you laugh when I say something random, or stupid. I love that when I laugh it makes you smile. I love how you ask me if I'm alright when I can't stop laughing. I love how you make me feel. I love how you tell me I look cute. I love how we can talk about randomness for hours. I love that you want to stay up and talk to me late into the night. I love how you say sweet things about me. I love how you whisper in my ear when we hug. I love how you squeeze me so hard when I hug you. I love how I can talk to you for hours about everything and anything, and you listen, and I listen. I love how you actually want to spend every day with me. I love how you caress my hand. I love how you hold me when we hug. I love how you protect me. I love how I get a feeling of protection when I'm around you. I love how everything is perfect. I love how you see the person I really am, yet you still want me here. I love how you make me cry, but not because I'm upset or sad, or you hurt me. But because you make me the happiest I've ever been. I love waking up next to you. I love how I anticipate seeing you. I love how I get nervous when I see you, but feel more comfortable with you then I do with anyone else. I love how you deal with my random rambles and my random craziness. I love how you insist everything will be alright, and make me feel at ease. I love how you give me weird looks at awkward moments. I love how I'm important to you. I love how I'm your first choice. I love how I make you happy. I love how you make ME happy. I love how I worry about you and the dumb stuff you do. I love how I only want to be with you. I love how I constantly think about you. I love how you get mad when someone upsets me. I love how just one fucking smile from you can make my entire mood change. I love how I'm yours. I just love.. you. I love everything about you Nancy Wheeler." ||

|| when I stopped talking I looked up at Nancy. She was crying. Shit. I just felt like I've been carrying a bag with weight, and now finally took it off. ||

|| after about 1 minute of me being confused, and Nancy just sitting there crying. who knew this much could go through one girls head in 60 seconds. She finally spoke up. Making me relieved. " You-you love.. me?" I sighed. Getting even more worried. "Yes. Nancy Wheeler i do. I love you." ||


|| A/N: CLIFFHANGER MOAHAHAHABAHAHWBAHA IT WOUKD BE SO FUN IF I JUST NEVER POSTED ON THIS STORY AGAIN. YALL WOULD SUFFER. Don't worry. I have a big plan. Now, don't forget to drink and eat because food is fuel and you deserve it🫶🏻 ||
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