|| chapter 3: friends ||

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|| A/N: no agnst today bc I'm nice :) and text to speech is ofc still available ❤️ ||

|| ⚠️ TW: passing out ⚠️ ||

|| Robin POV: ||
|| When I woke up I found myself in a light pink bedroom, I was really confused until I saw Nancy in the doorframe. "Good morning sleepyhead" Nancy giggled. I now remember all the things that happened last night. ||

|| I felt such a relief having told someone. "What's the time?" I murmured while rubbing my eye. "7:30, you better get up or you will be late for work." Nancy stated. ||

|| I stood up, but the second I did so my head started spinning, and a wave of nausea hit me, my vision became all blurry. "Nan-cy I don-don't f-feel so g-goo-" I fell to the floor. ||


|| Nancy POV: ||
|| The second I heard robins head thud against the floor, I ran up to her. Grabbed her in my arms. "Hey Robin? ROBIN. STAY WITH ME ROBIN." I felt robins pulse, and when I felt it still being stable I figured Robin had passed out. ||

|| So I lifted her up on the bed, put the covers back over her, and went downstairs ||


|| "Hey mom, so Robin isn't doing so well, she's sleeping, is it okay if she stays here? I don't really like the idea of her going back to her mother after everything last night." I said with a low tone, my mother than came up to me and wrapped me in a hug. ||

|| She realized that I was really worried about this girl. "Honey I wouldn't let her leave to her mother. Of course she's staying here! And since you don't have school you can take care of her." My mother stated, still hugging me. ||

|| "Thank you mom, and I'm sorry about the school thing, I thought she was someone she wasn't, again I'm sorry." I sniffled. "It's okay, you guys are friends now, it's okay-" ||

|| she was cut off by a cracked voice coming rom upstairs. "N-Nancy?" My mother let go of me. "You go up, I'll bring up some water, a hot cloth and some advil." I got all warm. "Thank you mom." I lightly yelled while running up the stairs and into my room. ||


|| Robin POV: (A/N: sorry if I change POV too much pls tell me) ||
|| Nancy came into the room and sat next to me. "Hey Nancy, thank you. Like seriously I know you hate me and I'm mean and gay, and not normal, hell I can't even sit still for more than 2 seconds. What I think I'm trying to say is, you don't have to be this nice to me. I can leave. Seriously." I rambled. ||

|| "Hey, Robin. It's okay. Seriously. I was so wrong, you're such a wonderful person, even if you don't see it." Nancy hold out her arms and asked for consent to wrap me in a hug. "Can I?" I got all warm and started blushing "yes." ||

|| we both went in for a hug. A tight one, a hug we both needed. ||

|| "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for calling you a priss. I didn't know who you were, and it's wrong to do such thing. I guess I was just trying to fit in? I don't know, I'm sorry." I started crying. Nancy got herself out of the hug, and looked into my eyes. ||

|| A strain of my dirty blonde hair fell in front of my eyes, Nancy tucked it behind my ear. I blushed. ||

|| Why are you blushing? Holy shit Robin you can't. She's like so straight and i don't even know if she even likes me as a friend.  ||


|| Nancy POV: ||
|| I felt a feeling I hadn't felt ever. And it was a good one. It felt like love. What the fuck. no Nancy you're straight and you've just became her friend what's wrong with you. ||

|| I sighed and looked back at Robin. " look, I've told Steve about this whole situation, but nobody else, except for my mother-" I got cut off by her mother entering the door. "Sorry to disturb girls, I've got some Advil, water, a hot cloth and bandages. I've also made you guys some sandwiches for nutrition." ||

|| She now sat down beside the bed looking at Robin, Robin slightly flinched, scared of physical contact. Karen immediately noticed, then remembering what I had told her about Robin and physical touch. ||

|| "Don't worry honey, I won't touch you without any consent. I just want you to know that you are very welcome to stay here. You're safe here." Robin wrapped her in a hug. ||

|| Seeing this, I felt so happy. Like this was something I've been waiting for. Like I had been waiting for Robin. ||


|| Steve POV: ||
|| I was now on my way to the wheelers residence. Nancy had told me over the phone to be calm, no matter what. And that acting otherwise would confuse the poor girl. ||

|| I was in utter confusion this whole time. Nancy wheeler and Robin Buckley? Friends? Thee Nancy wheeler being friends with Robin Buckley? What the fuck. I just sighed and went out of the car when I arrived. I greeted Mike while walking up the stairs. ||

|| I knocked lightly on the door, "come in" I hear Nancy saying. I walked in. They where in the bed. Nancy's arm was held around robins shoulders. I immediately felt a tad of anger. ||

|| Holding her like that when she needed support was my job. Not Nancy's. Not after what she had done to Robin. "Hey get your hand off of her." I pushed Nancy's hand off robins shoulders. "I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier." Robin was almost crying. ||

|| "Steve stop! Nancy is my friend now okay. You didn't answer yesterday, so I called her and she cares. Okay. She is my friend. But thank you for being here now." I just sighed, I was smiling though. "Okay, I'm sorry Nancy and I'm sorry Robin." ||


|| Robin POV: ||
|| me, Nancy and Steve had made the decision to watch a movie. We ended up watching
"HALLOWEEN" that Nancy had picked up the other night. ||

|| I felt genuinely happy. Even though the events of the night before. I had my best friend on one side of me, and on the other side I had Nancy. My crush. I had given in, I was in love with Nancy. Even though I knew with a 100% that Nancy did not feel the same. So I wouldn't tell anyone. Because Nancy is straight. ||


|| Third person POV: ||
|| Little did Robin know, everything Nancy could think about during the movie was Robin. Robins beautiful blue eyes. And how she hadn't felt like this since Jonathan. She was so confused. I can't be in love with Robin can I? Nancy wheeler was falling in love. With Robin Buckley. ||


|| A/N: so chapter 3, I'm gonna be posting like one chapter every day I think yeah. I'm so close to giving up on the book tho, idk if anyone enjoys it yk. Anyways, don't forget to eat and drink because food is fuel and you deserve it. ❤️ ||
|| 1184 words. ||

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