|| chapter 12 || out ||

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|| A/N: I have decided not to discontinue this. The updates might be slow though. I just have a tad of motivation right now! So enjoy this! and text to speech is ofc still available ❤️ ||


|| ⚠️ Tw: Homophobic slur, mention of sex 🤷🏼 ⚠️ ||

|| Robin POV: ||
|| Me and Nancy has been dating for 4 months now. It has been the best 4 months of my life. Currently me and Nancy where sitting on her bed, doing homework. Nancy speaks up out of nowhere. ||

|| "what if I came out?" Nancy's words froze me, I looked up at my girlfriend. "Woah, nan, are you sure? You really don't have to! It's kind of a big thing to do." I told her while putting my hand on hers. ||

|| Nancy grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. She looked up at me, our eyes meeting. "I know, I don't want to like.. make a public announcement or anything. I just want to tell the people I love. You know? Like.. like mom, dad, holly, and all the kids, and of course Steve and Eddie." ||

|| My eyes where full of tears. I was so proud of Nancy. "Gosh, I am so proud of honey." I said throwing myself into Nancy's arms. We hug. I then look up at her beautiful face. Reaches up and kisses her passionately. ||

|| "not to force it or anything, but the kids and Steve are hanging out in the basement tonight, I heard Steve talking about it. And if Steve's there that means Eddie's probably coming too. So there's a really good opportunity for telling them. But you don't have to." ||

|| "yes. That was my plan. But first, I want to tell mom and dad, so come on" Nancy says pulling me out of her room. "NOW??" "Yes now robin." She says pulling me downstairs ||


|| Nancy's POV: ||
|| I couldn't believe I was about to do this. I've been thinking about it for months now. It was time. ||

|| me and Robin got downstairs, my mother was sitting at the dining table helping Holly with her homework, and dad was sitting by the couch watching the television. ||

|| i was nervous. So incredibly nervous. Robin grabbed my hand and whispered to me. "You don't have to do this nance." I just nod and speak up. "Mom, holly. Dad. I need to talk to you. I have something I need to tell you." The three of them looked up at me ||

|| as my heart started beating faster robin grabbed my hand tighter. "Alright honey, we'll go sit down at the couch." Mom spoke, 20 seconds later her and Holly was sitting at the couch. My dad finally paying attention. "She wants to tell us something Ted" mother told dad. "Alright talk on honey" he faked ||

|| i sighed deeply. Robin squeezing my hand harder. Whispering only loud enough for me to hear. "You can do this love." Hearing the word love coming from robins mouth I just started talking. ||

|| "i kinda have been hiding something from you guys.. and I'm just really worried for the consequences if I tell you." Karen got a sad face. Holly now spoke up. "But Nancy, there would be nothing in the world that would make me hate you. Come on you're my older sister." Despite Holly just turning 8 she was a wise kid. "Thank you Holly. But this could change a lot." ||

|| "tell us honey, we won't be mad. We love you. No matter what." Mom said softly. ||

|| "so, you know the.. the term. Uhm.." i was fidgeting with robins rings on her hand. ||

|| "the term h-homosexual?" My voice was trembling. "Well.. I'm like that, or- or kind of. I'm sorry. I'm bi- I'm bisexual. It's when you- when you like both girls and boys. And Robin- Robin is- my- Robin is my girlfriend. I'm sorry." I had finally said it. I wrapped robin in a hug. "Wait." ||

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